Episode 25 "The Girl in the Gator"

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Booth hands him the paper and a pen as Gordan says, "Certainly. No, no, I have a pen. I have a pen. Um, do you mind if I ask what exactly it was that you did?" "Yeah, I shot a truck." "Ah, full of terrorists, no doubt, or plutonium or fleeing felons, was it?" I then say, "No... It was an ice cream truck..." He then looks up at Booth, "Do you have a good reason for firing on it?" "Yeah, the music, it was bothering me." I just sigh as Gordan says, "Ah." Booth then says, "Yeah, there was a speaker in a clown's mouth. Yeah, I just pulled out my gun, you know, and..." He starts imitating shooting at the clown's head making gun shoot noises. 

Gordan then says, "So the FBI sent you to me because you shot a clown?" "Not a real clown." "I suggest you cogitate on the underlying reasons you shot that clown while I make all of us some tea." I chuckle a bit as Booth says, "What? Cogitate? Tea?" I then say, "Shall I help you bring out the tea Dr. Wyatt." "Yes please, that would be fantastic. And please call me Gordon Dr. Venus. And if you would like I think my wife has some clothes from when she was younger that might fit you." "Thank you that would be amazing and please just call me Venus, Gordon." We both go inside leaving a confused Booth outside.

Gordan and I came back out with the cups and tea as I had changed to a nice dress

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Gordan and I came back out with the cups and tea as I had changed to a nice dress. I had texted Cam that I might not be at the lab today or tomorrow. I set the tray down on the small round table as I sat next to Booth and Gordon serves us tea. Booth then says, "You are really English." Gordon then says, "Oh, I don't know, I think I've assimilated quite well. Typical American house, right down to the white picket fence, a truck that's the, uh, what is it, the heartbeat of America? But tea, is, uh, sacrosanct, thank you very much." "Me, I'm a coffee drinker." I then take the cup of tea, "I will have some tea." "Listen, pal..." 

Gordon then cuts him off, "You know, in an effort to understand your culture better, I've been trying to embrace this very American practice of preparing meat in the garden." I watch in amusement as Booth was getting frustrated as he says, "Barbecue." "Mm, it's a delightful word, isn't it? 'Barbecue." I nod adding, "I think it's from the Caribbean, barbaicu, which means a sort of sacred fir pit." Booth gives me an annoyed look as Gordon says, "Yes, I see that your very knowledgeable about this." "Yes, one of my doctorates is on archaeology." "How nice, my I ask what the others are?" 

I nod, "I also have a doctorate on forensic anthropology and geology/mineralogy. And two B.A.'s on engineering and kinesiology." "Very impressive, mine is only on forensic psychology. Did you know that the Latin for 'hearth', though, is 'focus.' Isn't that revealing?" I nod, "That would mean that it is literally the focal point of every household." "Yes, the hearth, the heart. Huh? Interesting." I nod as Booth was confused, "I told the ice cream guy I was sorry, all right? I-I even bought him a new clown head." I nod, "Yes, he did do that... I also bought all of his ice cream for additional compensation." Booth nods and tries to hand him the paper and pen, "So just sign the paper." 

Gordon looks at it then says, "I must apologize, but I've got to go off and get some ingredients for my mortar. Um, why don't we reschedule?" "We can't reschedule, all right? We got to get back to work!" "Oh. Well, in that case, um, why not finish off, uh, preparing this area here? Could you do that? All the specifications are on the plans. You are fit for physical labor, aren't you? I mean, the clown didn't return fire, did it?" I chuckle as we both stand up, "Well, what if I said that the plastic clown did fire back, huh?" "Brilliant." 


They both chuckle as Gordon continues, "Now, while I'm gone, what I want you to do is to consider what you were really aiming at when you drew a bead on that unfortunate clown." "Hey, buddy, when I aim at something, I hit it." "Precisely. Anyway, I shan't be long, Agent. It's all on the plan here." Gordan then looks at me, "Would you like to join me Venus?" "I would be delighted Gordon." He looks back at Booth, "We'll be back before long, Agent. See you then. Do help yourself to more tea, by the way." "Bye Ranger, I will see you soon." Booth looked at us so confused as the plan he made didn't work out.

A few hours later we came back with Gordon rolling a cart barrel with cement as I also carried a bag of cement, as we see Booth working on the project as Gordon says, "Oh, splendid. So, it was your father who taught you to read plans, was it?" "Wrong tree, Doc, okay? Dad and I were tight." "Only, it's just that earlier you said that you weren't used to drinking tea with men, which suggests to me that you're usually pretty rigid in your assignment of gender roles." "What? No, no, both of my partners are a woman, okay? Venus is one of them. And one of them is a woman who needs my help." I do a little cough as Booth then says, "Who needs both of our help."

Gordon then says, "Are you two currently involved with each other?" I chuckle as Booth quickly answered, "No! No, no." I then add, "We do have a close relationship, but not like that. It's more of a sibling relationship that we have." Gordon nods understanding as he looks back at Booth, "Ah, but are you currently involved with anyone?" "Just broke up with someone, okay? Me. And I ended it." "And how long had you been involved with her? Or-or him?" "Her. Let's get that straight, okay? Her. Couple months this time." Me and Gordon say at the same time, "This time?" "We'd gone on- We'd gone out b-before a-a few years ago, and, uh, you know, we, uh... I broke it up when, uh, you know, my ex wanted to give it another go."

I nod as Gordon says, "Complicated." Booth sighs, "Ah! That's it! I shot the clown because I can't let go of the women in my life. Ha! Thanks, Doc. All right, now I can go back to work, and you can sign the paper!" "Excellent theory, but quite wrong. And we're out of time. Tomorrow all right for you?" I chuckle a bit as Booth looked exasperated as Gordon then says before he goes into his house, "And do come tomorrow as well Venus." "That is very kind of you but I don't..." "I insist you come as well tomorrow, I could see that we all are making amazing progress." I just nod and smile as he walked inside his house. Booth and I both sigh and sit on the seats and we looked at each other knowing that we both need to come back tomorrow. I then said, "You're the one that dragged me to this... Even though you say that I looked like I enjoyed today in which I did, there are many things I need to do at the Jeffersonian." We both took a few seconds of silence as we go back to Booths car and call it for the day.

Later that day when we were going to the lab to drop me off Booth decided to turn around and go back to Gordons home. So it was already dark outside as we walked up his home and Booth knocks on his door. Gordon opens it , "Oh." I waived a hello as Booth was first to speak, "Hi." "Um, do we have a scheduled..." Booth cut him off, "Um, listen, I really need to get back to work, so why don't you give me one of those clown retraining orders and just sign my paper." I rubbed my eyes as Gordon says, "Have you had an insight, then, as to why you shot at the clown?" "Yeah. You know, I have some insight." 

Booth phone rings as he takes it out and show Gordon, "It's right here. That's my... Bones calling, huh? My other partner. Right?" Booth then answers the phone as Gordon went back inside to get something, "Yeah, Bones." "So when are you coming back with Venus again?" "What, aren't you playing nice with Sully?" "I'm just not sure how serious he is about his job." I then say, "That's all right Temp, you will get used to it." Booth then says, "Oh, look, he's one of the best, all right? He just likes to keep his options open." "I've noticed." "Listen, Bones, Sully, he, uh, lost his partner about, uh, a year ago, all right? Something like that happens, you just, you hear the clock on the inside ticking just a little bit louder. So, uh, you know what, you're in good hands. Here he comes, so I gotta go, gotta, go, gotta go."

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