Kenma lurched forward with an unproductive gag, he got off the toilet seat and kneeled down in front of the toilet bowl.

He let out another unproductive gag and cried.

Yaku knocked on the stall door.

'' Kenma hey.. are you in there? ''

Kenma winces in pain, he opened the stall door, he really needed some comfort right now.

'' Y-Yaku...''

Kenma choked out, he gagged once more and this time it became productive, he coughed up vomit into the toilet, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Yaku kneeled down and pulled Kenma's hair back.

'' Kenma your bleeding... are you okay? Should we call an ambulance? ''

Yaku asks, Kenma shook his head and coughed weakly.

'' I'm on my period, I'm not dying. ''

Lev tilts his head.

'' Hold on, but my sister told me that guys don't get periods.. wait- ''

Yaku hums.

'' Kenma are you trans? ''

Kenma nods weakly, gagging and heaving up another round of puke into the toilet. Yaku rubbed Kenma's back.

'' Okay, it's okay, just let it out. Kenma why haven't you told the rest of the team? ''

Kenma cries softly, he wiped his mouth and sniffled.

'' Because I'm scared you'll all judge me and kick me off the team. ''

Lev crosses his arms.

'' We would never do that to you Kenma! We're your team mates and your friends, you know we would never judge or make you feel unsafe! ''

Lev says, Yaku nodded in agreement.

'' Come on Kenma, let's get you up, we need to get you some new shorts, your soaking through them. ''

Yaku helped Kenma stand up, Kenma wobbled a little, his mind was foggy and his head spinning.

'' Yaku.. I'm a little dizzy..''

Yaku steadied Kenma.

'' Alright it's okay, we just need to get to the club room. ''

Yaku helped Kenma out of the bathroom, the whole team looked over at them and Kenma for some reason felt even more dizzy, this terrified him, everyone was going to know.

Kenma stumbled forward a little and held onto Yaku tightly, trying to hide behind Yaku, Lev stood in front of the two shorter upperclassmen and blocked the teams view.

'' We're taking Kenma to the club room. Carry on. ''

Lev says as he kept staying in front of Kenma and Yaku so they wouldn't be seen as they all left the gym.

Kenma let out a soft cry, his legs trembling with fear.

'' Thank you.. y-you two have no idea how much that meant to me. ''

They both helped Kenma to the club room, Kuroo had just gotten back with a bag full of supplies and followed the three to the club room.

'' Kenma! I brought the supplies. ''

He says, Kenma looks at Kuroo, he felt another wave of nausea and quickly covered his mouth.

Lev quickly got a bin for Kenma and placed it under his chin, holding it steady.

Yaku was gently cleaning the blood off Kenma's legs. They had to get Kenma to the club room bathroom, Kuroo and Lev brought Kenma to the bathroom and Yaku brought the supplies.

Kenma went into a stall and took care of his dirty underwear and shorts, he put on a new pair of underwear and put a pad on, he slipped on the spare pair of shorts that Yaku gave him.

Kenma walked out of the stall after cleaning up and he had his dirty clothes in a bag.

'' T-Thank you guys...''

Kenma mumbled, he then covered his mouth again and tears dwelled in his eyes once more, he let out a small gag and kneeled by the toilet bowl.

Kuroo went to Kenma and gently rubbed his back.

'' It's okay, let it out love.. ''

Kenma let out another gag and puked up some of his stomach contents, he didn't have much in his body so after just a few minutes he was spitting up bile and stomach acid into the toilet.

Kuroo gently massages Kenma's lower abdomen.

'' I need you to relax now baby, you've got nothing left in you. ''

Kuroo whispers and kisses Kenma's temples. Kenma relaxed and slumped back into Kuroo's arms, letting out a sickly burp and a whine.

Kuroo carries Kenma gently.

'' I think it's time I take him home, what do you say kitten? ''

Kenma was already asleep in Kuroo's arms, letting out quiet snores. Kuroo chuckles.

'' Thanks Yaku and Lev, for helping.. ''

Yaku smiles.

'' No problem. ''

Lev nods weakly.

'' Y-yeah no problem.. ''

Lev was feeling a little off himself, he thinks he may have eaten something bad last night since he just hasn't been feeling right.

Kuroo took Kenma out and carried Kenma back home. Yaku looked at Lev.

'' Did I hear you stutter? ''

Yaku asks. Lev sighs nervously and gulps, but his gulp was forced back up as a gag and Lev quickly slapped his hand over his mouth.


The End

Next story, LevYaku. Lev is sick.

Words: 1286

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