Dumbledore: "Boggarts in the Office"

Start from the beginning

And now the wardrobe was open, and so were Y/n's eyes.

The wardrobe did not fling open, the door slowly creeped open as if the boggart inside was scared of its surroundings. But it did not stay scared for long. It must of sensed Y/n stress because it did not take even a glance at Dumbledore before heading straight to Y/n. As it saw Y/n the boggart changed forms. This form wasn't a normal form for a boggart. It wasn't a wolf or a spider, or a chainsaw man. The boggart just simply mirrored the room which was in front of it. It reflected Y/n, Dumbledore and all of the furniture. This confused Dumbledore, why was Y/n scared of this?


"Don't stress Professor. I'm not crazy. Sure this situation is kinda stressful, but it's not my deepest fear. Look into your own eyes."

Listening to what Y/n said Dumbledore turned his head too look at the reflection of the room, but this time he looked directly into his own eyes. And that was where it started to get actually weird. As soon as Dumbledore looked into his reflections eyes, his reflection started to change shapes and started continuously screaming. The face stretching and changing in colour to a dark pure black and the eyes shifting to a pure white.

"Y/n, what the fuck is this"

"God damn professor, dropping the F bomb!!"

"I am so glad I made you stay behind to do this."

"Yeah, Yeah. Me too..."

Y/n's voice was shaking like crazy now. The pitch being ten times higher than normal and then dropping again to a more normal tone.

Hearing the changing in Y/n's voice, Dumbledore look his eyes off of his weird, creepy reflection and saw Y/n shaking just as much as his voice was. Y/n's reflection had changed shapes too, but unlike Dumbledore's the reflection was now making it's way towards Y/n and whispering a sentence over and over again "I am real, you are not."

"Y/N !!!!"

Dumbledore dashed across the small separation between him and Y/n and held the young boy up, stopping him from falling.

"Do you want me to deal with this or do you want to try the spell?"

"I'll try. I'll try" Y/n muttered as he attempted to steady himself against Dumbledore.

Brandishing his wand out in front of him Y/n said the spell he had been learning about last lesson.


Nothing happened.


Nothing changed, except the fact that every time Y/n tried he got a little more tired and a little more annoyed at himself. Everyone in class could do it why couldn't he do it?

"Riddikulus !!"

Nothing happened. The weird mirror reflection was still coming at Y/n and Dumbledore still didn't know what to do. But now it was cold. The room was cold. Y/n's body was cold. Dumbledore could feel the chill. The cold whipped the last drain of energy Y/n had left and he just fell back into Dumbledore's arms. And that was the tipping point for Dumbledore. Setting Y/n down he walked toward the boggart, letting it target himself instead. Y/n was too tired to really focus on what was happening, but he could make out the outline.

Dumbledore's boggart was in a shape of a little child, the child was lifeless and sad. All the colour was drained out of their body. Seeing the person drained some colour out of Dumbledore's face, but he had seen this a thousand times before. He was bound to be numb of it by now, right? Or have least built up a resistance to it. When Dumbledore cast Riddikulus nothing funny happened to the child's corpse, there was no laughter. There was just nothing. The boggart just slunk back into its wardrobe.

After pausing in silence, Dumbledore turned back to Y/n and pulled some chocolate out of his pocket.

"Eat. I always give chocolate to students who get a bit rattled up in my classes."

"We aren't in class though Professor." Y/n laughed quietly taking the chocolate in one hand while the other propped him up.

Dumbledore paused to look at Y/n. This student puzzled him. In all his years of teaching nothing like this had ever come out of a boggart lesson before.

"Now, Y/n, can you please kindly explain what that was."

"Oh no f bomb this time professor?" Y/n fake pouted.

Dumbledore just stared at the student sitting in front of him, not moving a muscle.

"Well" Y/n started in defeat, "At the start of class you told us to think of what scared us most, right? And I couldn't think of anything that would actually scare me. Until, that is, you told me to close my eyes. That reminded me of some anxiety attacks I have had where everything would fold in on its self. Normally happened in front of a mirror. That was scary. And I couldn't think of anything else and I didn't want to let you down..."

Dumbledore paused, his eyebrows raised and he was clearly taken aback. He didn't know what to say to this student. He was Dumbledore for fucks sake, all he did was talk. Why couldn't he find the words to talk to this clearly hurt student?

Maybe it was partly because he related to this kid, it was like looking at a student version of himself. Maybe it was because he didn't expect this when he invited Y/n into his office. Maybe.

In response to not being sure what to say, Dumbledore extended his hand out to Y/n. He pulled the student up and gave him a hug. Just a nice, honest hug.


There you go, this was very rushed and written badly because why the fuck not !! Also I wrote this at 12 am so if anyone is actually reading this please do not judge xoxo. AND also this is NOT a ship fan fix, it clearly says at the start that it is a father/son fan fic. So if anyone reads this as a ship fan fic of Dumbledore and a student I will cry, not actually I'm a big man and I never cry :) (thats my white boy smile).

I finished my english assignment, still not sure if I should post it on here for laughs or not.


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