Six Degrees of Destruction.

Start from the beginning

Shun: So, Mira, tell us, what's been happening in Vestal since we parted ways back in New Vestroia.

Dan: Yeah, I've been dying to know what happened to that creep Prince Hydron and his Vexus goons.

Mira: Well, where do I start... A soon as we returned to Vestal, we were invited to the evening news in order to tell our side of the story. While we were, several rumors had been circulating about what was really happening in New Vestroia. We went in front of the camera live to tell the people what was happening. Of course, the royal family immediately denied everything. They said the talking bakugan were some kind of television trick done with sound effects. Luckily for us, the people believed we were the ones telling the truth and they all banded to rise up and fight.

Y/N: And then? What happened to Zenoheld and Hydron?

Mira: They disappeared one ight under the cover in darkness...

Ingram: You mean someone kidnapped them...?

Mira: No, they fled before they could be captured and held accountable for their crimes. King Zenoheld, Prince Hydron, and the Vexus escaped inside the royal palace. Before anyone realized what was happening it was already too late to stop them.

Marucho: I can't believe King Zenoheld is such a chicken.

Mira: King Zenoheld is no cowards, he wasn't running away to hide in some dark corner in the galaxy. 

Y/N: So, he's planning something.

Mira: Yes, just after he's escape, the resistance learned that he was hatching an even bigger plan that would make him the ruler of everything and everyone.

Dan: That's crazy! There's no way we can sit back and let it happen!

Shun: But how are we supposed to stop him if we don't know where he is.

Y/N: Unfortunately, he could be anywhere...

Kato: Excuse me ladies and gentlemen.

He says as he appears on the screen.

Kato: I'd like to thank you for your patience. We'll be preparing to land shortly.

*Time skip*

The plane landed down on the roof of Marucho's room. 

Mira: I had forgotten how big Marucho's house is.

Runo: If you think this is impressive, just wait when you get inside.

*Mini-Time skip*

They were now walking through the halls of Marucho's room.

Marucho: In order of Mira's visit, it only seemed natural that we celebrate. I have a little snack prepared for us in the ballroom. I wasn't sure what you'd like, so my chef prepared almost everything.

They then pass by the giant aquarium as Mira looked amazed.

Y/N: I know, I still can't get used to it myself.

Mira: It's beautiful.

Y/N: Come on, let's catch with the others.

Mira nods and they catch up with the others before they pass through the zoo, the small museum, and the art gallery.

Mira: Tell me I'm not dreaming.

Y/N: Of course not, everyone has this reaction the first time.

She then opens a door and sees a large room.

Mira: Is this the ballroom?

Marucho: You're silly, Mira. How many ballrooms would have a toilet in the center of the room?

Dark Brawler: Defenders of Vestroia(Bakugan New Vestroia x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now