Goddess of The Harvest

Start from the beginning

Cao Cao: "Chen? Lu Bu?"

Y/n: "Ah, right. I forgot you lot have some history."

Cao Cao: "Yeah, no kidding. I had Lu Bu and Chen Gong executed once they were defeated in the battle of Xiapi. Now you're telling me you know them?"

Y/n: "Chen Gong is one of my allies' servants. Same with Lu Bu, but he's under a different master from Chen."

Cao Cao was on edge after hearing those names after so long, however she took a deep breath before calmly reassessing the situation.

Cao Cao: "... Very well. No matter if he's a sadistic, traitorous bastard, having Chen Gong on the same side as I will be a massive boon for his strategic mind. Do we have any others with such strengths?"

Y/n: "Two Merlins and Zhuge Liang."

Cao Cao: "Merlin I know of as a western mage. Zhuge Liang however. I know him as Liu Bei's strategist and diplomat."

Y/n: "Zhuge likely isn't how you remember him since he's manifested within the body of Lord El-Melloi II. A mage of the clocktower from the modern era."

Cao Cao: "Huh, so the slimeball ain't fully here. That's much better then. I'm gonna knock Chen Gong out when I see him again though."

Y/n: "Fair enough."

Demeter: "If we need to wait for your allies to awaken then shall I prepare breakfast for everyone?"

Y/n: "No need. It's my turn for breakfast this time."

Cao Cao: "You guys have a schedule for who makes food?"

Y/n: "Whenever Emiya or Boudica are unavailable then we gotta do it. Often it ends with hilarious results."

Demeter: "A- Ah, I see."

Cao Cao laughed as Y/n took a seat just outside the tents. A few hours later, when the morning sun crept over the distant hills, the others woke up to the smell of freshly cooked bacon.

Tiamat peeked her head out of her tent and smiled as she saw Y/n making breakfast.

Tiamat: "You're up early."

Y/n: "Whaddya mean by that? I never slept-"

The next thing Y/n felt was something solid hitting him over the head.

Tiamat: "What do you mean you never slept!?"

Y/n: "Well someone had to keep watch!"

Tiamat: "You could have woken me or any of the other servants up!"

Y/n: "Do you really want Zerkerlot to be woken up in the middle of the night!?"

Tiamat: "I-... Okay, fair enough. But my point still stands!"

Y/n chuckled as the others started waking up, Zhuge immediately shivered as he saw Cao Cao.

Y/n: "Mornin', Zhuge."

Zhuge: "Gh!"

Cao Cao: "Ho? So this is Zhuge Liang, eh?"

Cao Cao walked over to the caster and immediately started to look him over.

Cao Cao: "Hm, yeah. Different body, but I can tell your spirit origin's the same as that slimeball." 

Ophelia: "Zhuge, do you know this person?"

Zhuge: "Y- Yes. This is Cao Cao."

Sakura: "The warlord of the three kingdoms era?"

Gudao: "Ain't Cao Cao the person that had Chen Gong and Lu Bu killed?"

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