
Chaewon turned and called out to her sister, leaving her hand lingering in the air as Yuri ran farther and farther away.

Her blood began to boil as she heard the girls laughing behind her, and she whipped around, making some of them abruptly stop from her glower.

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

Chaeyoung snickered, "woops, did I make little Chaewon-ah mad?"

The younger girl calmed herself down after one last glare, turning around to walk away.

"It was nice meeting you again Chaewon, I missed ya."

Chaewon was about to retort back when she had an even better idea.

She smirked, not turning around, "you did?"

"Yeah, especially your singing."

"Really now?"


Chaewon slowly turned around, giving Chaeyoung the sweetest smile she could muster at the bully, "want to hear it then?"

The taller girl stared in confusion, wondering why she was acting like this all of a sudden.

"Uh- sure?"

Chaewon began to sing, softly at first, then turning a couple octaves up as she walked up to the group.

She kept her voice steady as she traced the confused girl's jaw, neck, collar.

"C-Chaewon what are you doing?"

Chaeyoung was startled from her sudden change of demeanor, frozen in her spot as Chaewon continued to sing, firmly grasping the girl's arm with one hand, subtly touching her side with the other.

The older girl suddenly widened her eyes, seeming to have a bad case of shivers as she stumbled back. If it wasn't for her friends behind her, she'd have fallen fully to the ground.

Now this way, Yena didn't have to be her test subject to see if her ability worked on bones that were inside people.

And seems like it worked.

"W-w-what t-the..."

Chaewon smiled innocently, "I recommend not messing with my younger sister, Chaeyoung. If you do, I'll raise my octave higher to make the vibrations stronger. Yuri's not the only 'mutant' here."

The girl gave no time for Chaeyoung to answer, and she began to walk away before she stopped again.

"Oh and, Yuri's ability is determined by her octave level like mine, not by how loud her voice is."

Chaewon walked away, leaving the group of girls speechless as they asked if Chaeyoung was okay, the said girl still feeling subtle vibrations throughout her body from Chaewon's trick.

After turning the corner, Chaewon began to run, sprinting her way back to her home.

"Welcome back Chaewon-ah, what hap-"

"Where's Yuri?"

Her mom raised an eyebrow, "in her room. What happened?"

"I'll explain later, sorry eomma."

She jogged down the hall, her parents staring at each other weirdly from the living room.

Chaewon opened their bedroom door to see Yuri stand up, her duffel bag repacked and slung across her shoulder.

"Wh- Yuri what are you doing?"

"I'm leaving."


"I can't stay here."

Chaewon came in, cupping the taller girl's tear-stricken face, "wait hold on, you'll be fine, Yuri. They won't bother you anymore, I made sure of it."

Yuri pulled away, beginning to walk out the room, "you can stay here unnie, but I'm going back to ENOZI and staying there for the rest of the break. I know that there's still people there."

"Yuri, that's insane!"

The younger girl whipped around, her eyes becoming teary again, "you don't get it, everyone loves you here!"

Chaewon stiffened from the raised, but cracking voice, having never seen her sister this broken before.

"Y-Yuri-yah... Mom and Dad still-"

"I don't want to hear it."

"Yuri please, listen to me."

"Maybe Chaeyoung was right, maybe I am being an annoyance to you."

"What no! That's not true, whatever she said is not true."

Yuri stared at the older girl with a blank expression, "I'm leaving. You can't change my decision or force me to stay, Chaewon."

She turned and walked out the room, leaving a slightly dazed Chaewon standing in the middle. The older girl shook her head, jogging out to catch Yuri.

"Yuri, please think about this."

"I already did."

"At least let me go with-"


Chaewon took a step back as the nearby windows trembled, and Yuri calmed herself down before speaking again, "no. You belong here, I don't."

Yuri glanced back to see that their parents had stood up and walked over, but before they could see her broken face, she turned around, slamming the front door on Chaewon.

The short-haired girl made one last attempt to try and talk to her sister, running out to see that Yuri was already nowhere to be seen. She ran down to the sidewalk, seeing the bus at the bus stop close its doors as soon as she saw familiar brown, long hair disappear inside.


Chaewon let out a dejected sigh, her head hung low as she walked back inside to where their parents were waiting...


A/N: So... I needed a name for the bully, a friend came to my rescue and said to use Chaeyoung from Fromis_9 since they saw somewhere that Chaewon and Lee Chaeyoung were friends? I have no idea if this is true but there are a couple pictures with them together but I really don't know 🤠 No hate to Lee Chaeyoung though, she's awesome <3

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