Peace ones buying

Start from the beginning

Following his line of sight she grimaced at the sight of it , having totally forgot to even bother to get rid of her temper tantrum evidence .

In her defence , she hasn't exactly been expecting the company and her anger problems were just that , her problem .

But judging by the concerned and wary glances being thrown her way by her friends , they didn't seem to agree .

And yes , maybe she had agreed to take anger counselling with her therapist who didn't really exist .

And yes , maybe smashing up her phone because her insistent and infuriating ex boyfriend wouldn't stop hitting up her line , yes , maybe it wasn't the most best of things to do .

Not the most calm or collected of ideas but Cherrie had never claimed to have an even head or even be slightly sane .

So really . It wasn't her fault at all.

"Wouldn't stop ringing . I wanted to be left alone . Which was the whole point of having a break ..." she muttered pointedly to them.

Crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the arch way that separated the kitchen from the front room and essentially blocking their view of her destruction .

Crossing her fingers and also hoping that they didn't notice that she had none of her fancy vases or plates left either .

But she had with the right mind swept those pieces from the floor for her own safety .

Slash snorted as he peered over at her through a face full of curls , his judging eyes barely visible .

"Nice . It would have been cool if you could have at least contacted one of us and told us you were okay dude. It's not healthy to lock yourself up in here like some type of sad hermit ." He told her with a tone of worry for his friend , having noticed the way she had seemed to just sink into herself these past few months .

She had always been the life of the party , the one that they had to worry about getting in trouble .

She was the one that they could never get rid of , she was always there for them and always the centre of attention .

But not now . It was as though the light in her life had faded and she had grown agitated and bored with both her surroundings and the people around her.

So instead of talking to them about what was going on in her fucked up head , like a reasonable and grown up adult , she had instead decided to ditch them and keep them all in the dark .

One moment she had lived down the street from them , never too far from reach . Then suddenly they had drove home after a night out with friends to find a for sale sign up on her apartment and all of her stuff gone .

She had decided to move out into a big beachhouse in the middle of nowhere , the back of her home faced a small private beach that she had spent the last few months practically living on .

In her mind , it was the perfect , modest place to start afresh .

She hasn't felt the need to tell anyone of her sudden plans , simply because she didn't want to bother anyone or have anyone bother her .

She didn't want their worry or their doubt , she didn't want them to question just why she was suddenly acting out and being so strange.

Change was inevitable and sometimes a good thing .

Change is what she needed . She had persistently told herself and she wasn't going to change her mind now .

She also didn't see why they were so worried . It wasn't like she had moved far away . She was only around a forty five minute drive away from the sunset strip , she wasn't that far away from their studio or the the office .

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