Chapter 4: An Un-trusting Sleepover

Start from the beginning

"But you just--" Hailey mumbled, about to protest but then she gave in. (Nobody can say no or argue to free food, after all). "Nevermind."



"2nd verse, 2nd verse..." the purple haired boy stared blankly at the notebook, trying to think of the next lyrics to his and Luke's song.

"Maybe we need something that relates to music. Like, I don't want you to teach me how to play guitar? Sing? Pian--" Zander glared at his boyfriend. "Okay, maybe anything but drums and pianos."

"DANCE!!!" Milly shouted.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Luke smirked.

"No, it's not for your stupid song. What if we have a dance partay!?" Milly gigged and shook her arms and legs.

"Ooooh, that sounds fun!" Jake laughed and did a funny dance with her. Hailey, then Luke joined in, making Zander feel cringe, but at the same time he wanted to join in too.

Milly yelled, "I feel your heaaartbeat to the beat of the druuums!~"

Luke gasped. "I love that song!"

"I know right!? Come on, Zander! Let's have some fun!" Milly held her guy friend's hands and tried to make him stand up and dance with them. When the purple haired boy didn't stand up, she turned towards the DJ. "Look, Sean's gonna dance too! Right, Sean?!"

"U-uh I..." he looked towards the singer who was dancing his heart out. Then, he faced down, trying not to let Jake notice. "I don't really feel like dancing and not a very good dancer as you can see."

When Jake heard this, he turned. He held his hand out to the black haired boy. "Well, what if I teach you?"

Sean's eyes widened. His face turned red, unable to speak. Milly grabbed her friend's hands before Jake could. "Yeah! We can all teach you!"

Sean rolled his eyes. It's so easy to give in to the pink haired girl's desperate pleads. "Oh, alright."

Milly cheered and laughed. "Did you already set up that bluetooth thing, Hailey?"

The aqua haired girl who was next to the radio, nodded. "I think this would do~" she clicked on a random recording on her phone, then, Tonight played on the radio.

Please tell me that you won't be~

Please tell me that you won't be, I really need to know,

Please tell me that you won't be.



Sooner or later, everyone was dancing and laughing. (Yes, even Zander.)

"Zander got those moooves!" Milly cheered.

The auburn haired boy hugged Zander from behind and that's when Zander was really feeling to dance. It made the black haired boy wanna dance, too considering Zander didn't wanna dance before.

Yeaaah memories~

When the music stopped, everyone started laughing.

The laughing stopped when Jake suddenly tripped on the carpet. He lost his balance and almost dropped down to the floor when a black haired boy caught him.


Sean stared into the peach haired boy's eyes. His cheeks suddenly felt like it was during red like a tomato. Without another word, he let go of Jake, longing for air. "I...Uh... you okay, Jake?" His eye lids turn to Zander who was giving him a weird look.

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