The Hardest Thing

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double update again !!
woot woot !!

u guys are lucky i didn't leave u in suspense for too long 😈

in other words, u all better prepare urselves for this chapter because.. man it's rough 💀

not gonna lie this is definitely the most emotional and angsty chapter i've written yet LMFAAOO

good luck🤭

WARNING : Swearing, Blood, Violence


Time had seemed to slow down.


Eli had been your best friend for a long time. Hell, it's been so many years you've lost count. But one thing you could never forget was when you both met for the first time.

It was in kindergarten, and you two were put into the same class. You were separated from (B/N), who was in a different class than you. So naturally, you didn't really attempt to socialize with anyone.

But Eli, being the overly outgoing and annoying kid he was, had approached you one day. Then the day after that, then the day after that, oh and of course, the day after that and so on.

Surprisingly at first, you hated him. And wanted nothing to do with him. But he didn't let up, being the stubborn person he was. Day after day, he would start random conversations with you, despite you showing no interest whatsoever.

But as time went on, you began to grow close to him, and soon enough, you two were attached at the hip. You practically did everything together. At that point, you grew up together.

You each never got into any 'real' fights either. Yes, you'd bicker and tease eachother 24/7, but it never got to the point where you were genuinely mad at eachother.

He was there for you whenever you were at your lowest, and you were there for him whenever he was at his lowest. It was like he was a second brother to you.

Of course, you loved (B/N) to death in the modern era, but you had always lived in his shadow. You'd be forced to maintain extreme expectations you could never meet. You'd live in total stress, 24 hours of a day, 7 days a week. But with Eli, it was none of that whatsoever. You felt you could be yourself around him.

He was the one who helped you escape your shell. He was the one who you had your first sleepover with. He was the one who would gossip to you about so-and-so's new haircut and how goofy it looked.

If you had never met Eli, you'd never be the person you were today.

But as you stood frozen in.. was it shock? Or fear? Or maybe even guilt? You didn't know.

But as your feet suddenly became planted into a singular spot on the ground, and as you could only merely watch as your best friend get completely impaled, not once, not twice but three times in the back..

..a little bit of you wanted to shrink into a ball and cry.

No.. a lot of you wanted to shrink into a ball and cry.

Tears involuntarily spilled from your eyes like a river as you instantly began to panic.

Your breathing accelerated rapidly as you felt your lungs inflating like a balloon, ready to pop at any moment. Your heart began to beat like a high-speed drum, which had no intent on stopping anytime soon.

Your throat became hoarse as you let out a scream, calling out for Eli. Only it came out inaudible to your ears. The only thing that you heard was a high pitched ringing that vibrated your eardrum.

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