The Date

500 12 10

*Swears in here!!
* Some of this is cheesy!
* Small continuation of Kissing Booth, so please, NO COPPIES!!
*Only in Amy's POV
And now, without further ado, ENJOY!!

"I'm so happy for you, Amy!" exclaimed Jillian is she was doing may hair. "Thanks, Jill. You have no idea how much that truly means to me. " I answered. It was true, but I am still scared out of my mind. What do I say? What do I eat? How much do I eat? How should I act? Should I be serious or joking? My mind was still racing with questions and uncertainty, and before I could call to cancel while conjuring up a good excuse, I heard a honk! and the knock on the door. Crap. Thats my cue. So I went downstairs, ever so elegantly, to face Gregory. He had gorgeous chest nut
brown eyes, jet black slicked over hair, and was wearing a green, white, and black striped shirt with dress pants and shoes. God, he looked so cute!!!
"Wow.... " Greg commented.
The only time I've ever heard someone say that was when it was followed by comments of my weight.
"You look.... beautiful.... It seriously puts me to shame... "
"No one looks better than you, Greg... especially not me... "
"Oh stop that will you? You are beautiful. Amazing. People who can't see that are frickin' blind."
"Awe... "
I just realized that my brother and his boyfriend, Jamie, were staring holes into Greg.
"Back by 11. Not a tick later, Wate. "
Threatened my brother. I rolled my eyes.
"Lets go, Greg. Ignore him." And with that, we left. On the way there, I asked him where we were going, but I got the same
answer as I have been for almost a week, when he asked me to go out with him. "Places. " he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, racking my brain for any clues he could have hinted me with........ Wait for it... yup. Still nothing. Finally, he pulled into the parking lot of.... HOLY SHIT!! Maple's, THE most expensive, elegant, and tastiest place around here. We got in and for awhile I was speechless, not knowing what to say. I literally just followed him through the winding aisles and between tables and chairs like a dog on a leash. Eventually, we started talking and all that good stuff. But then, we kinda ran out of things to talk about, so we sat in comfortable silence.
"Hey, uh, Amy? "
"Yeah? "
"I just thought of something.... who was that guy standing next to your brother who winked at you when I came to pick you up? "
"Oh, thats just Jamie. "
"Um, I, uh kinda mean, who is he to you? Cuz I don't want get in between you and that big guy. "
" Oh! Trust me, don't worry. Jamie is my brother's boyfriend, not mine." He made a face, and responded, "Oh!!! No wonder you hate your brother so much! "
I narrowed my eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"He's a gay ass fag. An embarassment to the human race... especially to you."
"EXCUSE ME?!?!" I practically yelled.
"Its ok, Amy, I'm here. I'll always take you out so that you dont have to be under the same house as those disgusting... " He never got to finish, because before he could, I slapped him and screamed, "Fuck you, you bastard! NEVER talk about my brother like that. EVER. Your lucky I dont whoop your ass right here, right now!!" I scooped up my stuff and stormed out before he could process anything that had just happened. I did like him, but when it comes to my family, you call someone else a name, then your calling me a name too. And I hate that. Hell, I hate him. So, I guess in gonna move on. Fuck him. Peace, bitch I muttered before calling my brother to ask him to pick me up. And that night,at home, everyone smiled and laughed when I told them what happened, really when it came to what I did to Greg. That night, I had a lot of fun with my family, and I learned a lesson: Greg needs to get a life, cuz I'm moving on with mine. I just did what we all do, shake it off.

Hey readersSo as the title includes, this is only a one-shot to Kissing Booth, a story I love ❤ and even though its only a one shot,  vote and comment?  Pppllleeeaaassseee?!?! And could you please please please check out Shadie Tree? And please please please read her storiesAnd please please please follow herAnd please please please vote on themPlease please please comment tooThank you so much for reading!  and if you liked this story then vote and comment and all that good stuff and check out my other story Infected , tooThat would be awesome!! (All the stuff that boldened than thats the important to see and know)  ☺

Dedicated to @Shadie Tree (0ne short to Kissing Booth)Where stories live. Discover now