Steph begins to open her mouth to say something but closes it when Harry narrows his eyes at her and points at me. "This is your fault. You know that? If you never came last night, none of this would have ever happened."

My fault? What did I even do?

"God, why did I go out of my way to hang out with you? How did I allow myself to willingly take you somewhere and try to have a good night," he chuckles and my cheeks flash into an embarrassed red. How do I have anything to do with him being on drugs? "You know, you being nervous all the fucking time brushes off on other people and it put me in a bad mood."

"Harry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this to you." I apologize because I don't know what else to say, but Steph quickly shuts me down, telling me it's not worth an apology and that I didn't do anything wrong. He has no idea what he did to me last night, and he has the audacity to say that I put him in a bad mood. "Harry, where were you before this?"

He doesn't respond; instead, he just stares at me before returning to looking in the fridge. "You have barely any food. What do you fucking eat?" He looks me up and down, and for a split second, he seems concerned but then he returns to his cold, dark face.

"Uh, I order in or go out a lot," I shrug and he just nods. "Can I make you something to eat?"

"If I wanted you to make me something, I would tell you. Stop with the questions, you're giving me a headache." He sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Dude, stop being so mean to her. We're both trying to help you and you're being extremely aggressive. What the fuck are you on?" I whisper a quick thank you to Steph for defending me before taking a seat at the counter.

"You think this is me being mean? I can show you what being mean is if you want to see." He clenches his jaw and still doesn't tell us what drug he's on.

"What is your problem? You come to my apartment high off your mind and then yell at us for trying to help you? What are you even doing here if you don't want our help?" I cross my arms in defense.

"If I wanted your help, I would have asked for it. Just back the fuck off." He walks out of the kitchen and into the living room, where he sees Val and Athena sitting together on the couch. "Awe. Look how cute. A sleepover." He faces me and has a fake frown on his face before he walks over to the love seat and sits down. What is he doing? "Titanic? My favorite movie!" He reaches over, takes the bag of popcorn from Val's grasp, and he returns his gaze to the screen.

In total disbelief of what I'm seeing, I widen my eyes and lean forward. He comes into my home, treats me with disrespect, and then expects us to let him watch a movie with us. Absolutely not. "You can't expect us to let you sit here after being so rude to us, Harry."

"Well I'm already doing it. How are you going to stop me?" He raises an eyebrow. "Hm? I would love to see you get on top of me and try to get me off." I gasp at his words and he smirks. "Get me off of the couch, baby. Unless you want to actually get me off. That works too."

My face burns into a bright red color and I desperately try to find a way to hide. I look around the room at my three friends, who are staring at the ground with their jaws agape at what Harry just said to me. They have no idea that this is how he always speaks to me.

I tuck my hands into my pants pockets and rock back and forth on my feet, waiting for someone else to speak up. "So I'll take that as a no. Don't come looking for me the next time you want to get off." He locks his gaze on me, his green eyes burning into mine. My face reddens once more and I look down at the floor to try to hide the effect he has on me.

"Harry, you can't stay here. We were doing something and you interrupted. Please just let us take you home." I tilt my head at him.

"I'm not interrupting you, I'm joining you."

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