Incoming call:

"Oh shit, it's my mom- wait one sec," I told her before picking up the phone.

"Hola Mamá," I began. "Mijo, where are you?" She asked me "I'm at Bella's house I told you that before leaving right?" I'm beginning to question it but I did tell her right?

"Oh yes, I just remembered yes sorry. I was calling you to tell you dinner is ready, if Bella is home alone, bring her with you so she can meet your cousin immediately, and if her mom is home bring her too," she said, the last past demanding and Bella tried to hold her laughter.

"Yes m'aam we're on our way. Adios" I said and she gave me a quick bye before hanging up. "We'll let's go to yours then" she laughed before standing up.

Camilla gasped when she opened the door before smiling "dios mío Gracey you finally have a girlfriend." She said and Bella stiffened besides me.

"Ehm Cam-" I started but she interrupted me. "Pfft about damn time too, I was starting to think that you're gay!" She laughed and Bella snorted so I nudged her arm.

"Camilla that's enough. Bella is not my girlfriend, she's just a friend." Camilla's smile dropped before looking at Bella.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Camilla, Grayson's cousin. Unfortunately" she mumbled the last part, even tho I heard it I was too tired to fight about it.

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Isabella" Bella said before sticking her hand forward for Camilla to shake.

"Girl, you're so pretty, this boy next to you? Total trash I got someone for you if you want his name is-" hell no

"Okay okay we get it Camilla this is Isabella, Bella this is Cam well let's go eat now I'm starving." I said before walking into the house not bothering to wait up on them.

I don't know why but I was mad suddenly. Is it because I can't stand to see Bella with someone else? No. Totally not. She can do with her life whatever she wants. Me? Jealous? Never. Over my dead body.

(Now we're switching to Isabella's POV again)

Isabella's POV:

I walked out of his house walking home with tears in my eyes. Fucking 11PM. Like it's not like I'm a little baby or scared to walk myself by night or something because I can defense myself and it's only a 2 minutes walk.

But the thing is Gray has been ignoring me since I've walked into that house today. Like at the table, he sat across me, not bothering to look at me once and when I talked to him he just kept ignoring me.

*flashbacks from dinner*
He is still ignoring me like I did something to him what did I do? "Grayson, are you thereeeee?" I joked a bit to lighten the mood. His mom was in a conversation with his aunt and Camilla went to the toilet.

But then his mom noticed he wasn't talking to me. "Grayson" she called out to him and then the motherfucker lift his head to look at her "yes mamá?" He asked.

"Isabella has been talking to you for 15 minutes now and you're ignoring her," she said and I was in shock. Not only that his mom noticed but also that he was ignoring me for so long. He just shrugged it off, but his mom got mad.

"Escúchame. Si ella te habla, habla tú con ella, desde que pusiste un pie en esta casa estás todo gruñón y me está volviendo loco. Si no puedes actuar como el adulto que eres entonces ve a tu habitación, y sí lo harás porque aún vives en MI casa con MIS reglas." She said mad and Grayson stormed away to his room

(Translation: Listen to me. If she talks to you, you talk to her, ever since you set foot in this house you're all grumpy and it's driving me crazy. If you can't act like the adult you are then go to your room, and yes you will because you still live in MY house with MY rules.) period his mom ate.

"Should I go talk to him?" I asked his mom carefully and she gave me a warm smile. "Yes hunny you can you don't need to ask it, only he can act like a little child right now but go upstairs and check up on him." She said and I nodded and excused myself.

I knocked at the door. "Gray? Can I come in?" I asked him softly. "Get the fuck away," he said and it made me mad. I've tried to hold it in but I couldn't anymore so I stormed into his room.

"Listen to me you piece of shit. I did fucking nothing to you so better tell me why the fuck you're acting like a little fucking child or I'm leaving." I yelled at him, his family probably heated me but I don't care right now.

He looked with a cold expression at me "I don't care if you're leaving or not, I didn't even invite you in the first place here, it's was my mom not you. You're acting like we're a couple but we're not. Not even friends. You were supposed to just be a good fuck but then you got attached. Not my fault" he shrugged.

I felt tears stung in my eyes but I wasn't gonna cry in front of him. Before I knew it my legs were making their way towards him and I slapped him. Hard. Across his face. I did it so hard I heard Camilla say "oohhh he fucked up" before I heard her aunt getting mad at her.

"What the fuck!?" He yelled. Apparently I slapped him so hard it left a mark. The bitch asked for it. "Fuck you" I said before walking away and slamming his door shut.

I ran downstairs, walking to the front door, but not before Cam stopped me. She looked at me. "I'm going to kill him" she said with rage in her eyes.

I gasped "you all heard what he said?" I asked her and she shook her head. "I was just walking down the hallway on my way to the guest room to grab my charger, when I heard him say that so I went downstairs quickly. The slap we all heard tho. He deserves it." She said before hugging me tightly.

I just cried more "I can't even imagine why I told he and I could be friend, I'm sorry that he's your cousin but he is such a piece of shit with zero respect for any woman except his family. He was my enemy and I can see now why." I cried a lot more and she calmed me down.........

*end of flashback*

Omg guys!! I have 2,15k reads!! I'm sorry I'm so excited because this is my first ever book😭😭 let me know what you think about this chapter.

This might be just my opinion but
Grayson's mom and Camilla are QUEENS😍

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