Chapter 16 - Theo

Start from the beginning

He dodged them with lightning-fast reactions – faster than my own heightened sensitivity could decipher; he became a blur as he darted away from Ember's fire and entrapped her in his arms again.

"Let's see how you like a taste of your own medicine." Killian grasped at Ember's flaming hands and stifled her mouth with them, before forcing her head back under the water – meaning she was being consumed by both the water and the fire.

Almost as if the two elements are taking over her body.

It finally clicked in my head as I sat there speechless and helpless. Because before I knew it, she was drowning with fire. It seemed impossible, and yet it was happening right in front of my eyes; Killian was drowning her with her own fire and the waters of the lake she'd lived by throughout her entire life.

Almost like fate.

Killian released Ember and rolled her over; confusion and horror overcoming me as I saw that the skin around her mouth had blistered due to her fire. Ember had never been harmed by her fire, or any fire, before now. She lay weakened but still breathing; excess water rolling out of her mouth.

From his pocket, Killian took a vial and dipped it into the water that had turned a dark, charred colour – the water where Ember had been drowning. He smirked and tucked it away again.

"Now I no longer need you, Ember." He gathered her up in his arms again, claws lengthening out of his fingernails – claws that were much sharper and much more pointed than my own. Claws that were jet black. One hand wrapped around Ember's neck, the other poised against her bare stomach.

"Theo..." She regained consciousness momentarily, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Killian, wait–" I was too late.

He slashed her throat and stomach open; tearing deep, gaping wounds into her faded olive skin. The barrier surrounding me finally dissolved as Killian gave her one last pitiful look and walked away.

"Ember!" I rushed forwards to cradle her, propping her head up against my arm, closing my hand around her bleeding throat and wrapping an arm around her bleeding stomach – a futile attempt.

"Theo..." She shook her head at me slightly, tears tracing silvery tracks down her ashy face. ""

I did know what to do in the event of her death, but that didn't mean that I was at all ready to have to do it.

"Ember, please, no. Just hold on, okay? Hold on." I tried not to look at her wounds, at how bad they were. I could only try stem the blood flow, but I knew she was losing too much too quickly. "Help! Somebody please, help!"

"It's...over..." Ember gasped out in between words, blood bubbling up into her mouth and tainting her lips and teeth.

Tears choked my throat; I didn't think I'd have to watch her die again. Not so soon after the hunters in Montana. The matter of her rebirth paled into insignificance. Because she was lying in my arms and dying and there was nothing that I could do.

What if she's dying for real and she won't come back? What if she could only be reborn once? What if she dies and she's gone forever?

"It's...okay..." She nodded, tears drying as she stared up at me.

I let out a broken sob, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"L-love...y-you." She gasped out, words failing her as her blood leaked out and mingled with Lake Oldoy's cursed waters.

"I t-too." I managed to get out as my throat closed up with tears and heartbreak.

I held her as she died. As her heart stopped beating. I slid her eyes shut. I held her as her body burned hot and bright before crumbling into ashes.

Drowning with Fire #3 ✔Where stories live. Discover now