Part 1 Sucidide

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This is my story.... My name is Emily Harris or should I say the freak of Hemming-ton High. People always stare at me. I know I am a freak people just make it worse.
Especially Amie Howard Hemming-ton High star class cheerleader. Her and Caitlyn Marylyn and Jessica Frank. All who my friends Misty, and a Melissa who Misty and I nicknamed her Mocha because of her Mocha colored skin. We call then the wicked bitches of the west.
Hey Emily how are you doing? Amie asked that shirt is sooo pretty. Did she just wink at me? All of a sudden I felt something icy and cold on my face, and down my shirt.
Oops I slipped. She and her friends laughed. OMG she said your not wearing a bra?!?!
Uhm uhm... I ran down the hallway she ran after me grabbing my hair and yanking me down to the ground.
Let go of me I yelled!!!! Look everybody Emily Howard has no boobs! Everyone looked in my direction as she yanked off my shirt and showed everybody my personal features.
They all laughed, and threw stuff at me I was so scared and so pissed off I grabbed her hair and slapped her across the face. She kicked me in the stomach and I buckled over crying. My math teacher came out of her classroom and pulled Amie off of me, I was so scared and sad that I didn't even realize that one second I was in the hallway the next I was in the nurses office.
Are you okay sweetie? The nurse asked me. I nodded and she handed me a cup of water.
I looked through the glass and saw Amie and her friends talking to the principal.
Is Amie crying? The principal looked my way then dismissed the girls and came in sat down and sighed. Amie looked through the glass directly and mouthed the words *your dead*. The principal closed the blinds. I called your mother Emily she is on her way up here now. What why would you do that?!? Because you got into a fight and were hurt you mother has the right to know that your okay. She doesn't care if I'm okay I murmured. What was that? Nothing I said so what did Amie tell you? The principal sighed many kids and herself said that you attacked her from behind. Amie says that when you did she got on top of you pulling off your shirt by accident. Accident!! No no it was not a accident she poured her soda all over me!! Then she pulled off my shirt when i ran away.

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