
" I want strawberry,'' Ella tells me frantically as she presses her small face to the glass admiring all the flavors. My mom stands behind as she looks up at the board of sundae's and shakes and I can't help,but see she looks better than she did this morning.

" Mom what do you want I'm paying remember,'' I cheerfully says and as her adoring face turns down to me I smile. Whether it's with Harry or Mom they're the only smiles I can ever really love.

" I'll just have a shake with caramel on it. Simple,but sweet darling,'' she tells me and I nod. I tell them both to sit down and order what they want and I simply get a scoop of chocolate ice cream. The small parlor is adorable and when I see Ella running around the table I laugh. She's so happy and I wonder how she is when she's with dad. I try not to depict sad eyes, tearful ones at that with the cheerful face in front of me right now. This is how a ten year old should be and she will stay this way. The server hands me all three of my items and I set it all down on the table.

" Ella sit I have your strawberry ice cream and I also put whip cream on it,'' I tell her and she stops immediately and sits down. Wow ice cream and whip cream could get her to sit. I hand my mom her shake and she mouths thank you. I don't mind as long as I see them smile. I eat my ice cream slowly and even though London is cold it feels right as I feel warm. My mom is drinking quietly when her jaw drops open and she coughs into a napkin.

" Mom you alright,'' I can't help,but feel panicky,but she nods her head.

" I'm fine,but isn't that Mr.Styles,''she says and I'm about to spit my ice cream out when a hand touches my shoulder. Great. Turning my head and Harry's green eyes are there and brighter then I've seen them to be.

" Ciara, Ms.Cameron what a pleasant surprise,'' he says and for some reason I see the cheesiness behind it. He knew I'd be here.

" Ah Mr.Styles and it's nice seeing you. I'm sorry I kept my daughter from school,but seeing what happened yesterday I didn't see fit,'' she explains and he nods. I know he's not really listening because he's focused on me.

" Well I had some duties to attend to so I had to call in for a sub,but I'm glad to see both you and your girls are doing fine,'' he acknowledges and I look down trying to hide my smile knowing his excuse is false. He's here because I didn't show up for school. Since he owns Holmes he must see records and absences.

" Well don't mind me I'll be grabbing my bite and be heading out. See you in class Ciara,'' he tells and I see him wink from the corner. He's not playing the role he should be in front of my mom. I see him walk off and my mom immediately looks to me.

" Are you sure he's into men, a man like that,'' she squirms and I look down. Not in front of me. I look behind me and of course he's staring at me. I look back and my mom is talking with Ella about her whip cream. I almost laugh when Ella puts the cream on my mom's nose. The laughter I hear is almost a beautiful song that would never get old because it's never heard enough. When I look behind again Harry is no longer then. My laughter turns into a simple frown as I didn't see him leave.
" Ella be nice and eat your ice cream," I hear my mom say and I laugh again. I wonder what it was like giving up a child,but I know I will never truly ask. Scooting my seat I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and when I open the door I see that there is only one stall and it's occupied.

" I'm sorry,'' I yell out feeling embarrassed,but instead of leaving I stay put as the low voice distracts me.

" I was waiting love, I didn't know how long I would stay in the woman's lou,'' he says opening the door wide and I stay put awkwardly.

" I thought you left, what the fuck are you doing here,'' I shout and he faces me,but reaches behind locking the door this time. I'm lifted in his arms and I wiggle my legs trying to get out of his grasp,but he's so much stronger then I am. He sits me on the sink and my back presses into the mirror.

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