"What about?" Jimin continued to ask, curious about their chat, "o nothing really, it was about work and something about his co-worker" Yoongi replied as he started to kiss the other along his neck. Jimin tilted his neck to give him more access  , loving what his boyfriend was doing, there is no way he was going to ask anymore questions now.

Jungkook sat the bar, playing with the soda can that he had ordered, Yoongi was usually very attentive and could easily pick up if someone was lying to him, the same could be said about Taehyung and Jimin. But for the first time he was glad that all of them were soo busy that they were too tired to notice.

Jungkook took out his phone to call Taehyung so he could know how long he was going to take when he felt someone rest their chin on his shoulder. He turned and his face met with Taehyung's, "hey" Taehyung mumbled against his neck, placing a  chaste kiss on his cheek while at it, this made Jungkook giggle a little.

Taehyung was still in his suit, he hadn't gone home to change and seeing how he looked, Jungkook was glad that he didn't. Taehyung pulled Jungkook to his feet to hug him, "I missed you" he said taking a deep breath.

"I missed you too" Jungkook replied, pressed against the other's chest, Taehyung fully embraced him and he loved it. For a moment everything  was blocked out and it felt like it was just the two of them.

Their little reunion was interrupted by Jimin who came to pull away the younger, making Taehyung pretend to be mad at this, making the other two laugh.

Yoongi later joined them and soon after Joon and Jin walked in, "J and J" Jimin said to the couple, "I don't think that's ever going to catch on" Jin replied , making everyone laugh, he then took Jimin's hand that he held out for him.

"Tonight we dance" Jin said


Two days later, Jungkook  stood in front of his car, his hands were shaking and he couldn't seem to be able to slow down his breathing as he looked at the picture again. He thought the stalker or who ever it was had stopped or gotten bored, but he was sadly mistaken.

It was picture of him when he was 7 years old, he remembers the day all to well, he was sitting on his brother's lap as Mrs. Choi took the picture, the two boys  had big bright smiles, Jungkook was so happy to have a big brother, but soon enough he learnt that his big brother was everything but good.

The picture was accompanied by a note, "call me on this number as soon as you open the envelope, if you tell anyone about it, I will know and I will come for you"

Jungkook could feel his chest tighten and his mouth run dry, but he knew better than to ignore that message. He searched for his phone and dialed the number as instructed, it was picked up on the third ring.


"There's my baby brother, still smart as ever to listen to instructions" the voice boomed through the speaker, it was low and gruff . "w-what do you want" Jungkook asked, his grip was tightening on the phone. "I will tell you what I want later, save this number, pick up when I call you". "Just tell me what it is that you want!!" Jungkook repeated almost shouting, he was trying hard to keep  himself together and think straight but it was hard.

"Check the pictures I just sent you now"

Jungkook was a bit puzzled but did as he was told, there was a new message on his phone. He began to fell a pinch in his eyes, but he wasn't going to cry now. He started looking around the parking lot, someone was watching, the pictures he received where of him, was he here? 

"Since now you can see that I am always watching you, you better do as I say, I will call you back later" the call was cut off before he could say anything back.

Jungkook wanted to look around the parking lot, but he was also scared not knowing what he will do if he actually found someone watching him. So instead he got in his car and drove off.

It was late in the evening and Taehyung wasn't back yet. He knew better than to tell Taehyung the truth, but this would all be better to deal with if he was here. His Hyung probably just wants money right, and he has plenty of that, there's no need to tell Taehyung or his parents about it.

Who knows what he might do, he knew how violent he can be, and now that he has been to prison and is a lot older, he might be a lot worse. Jungkook kept trying to reason with himself as he paced around the house, looking at the pictures he received earlier.

He  decided to call Taehyung.

"What time will you finish up today?" he asked, "I have a few more things  to do, but I will be home in about an hour" Taehyung replied, he heard Jungkook sigh on the other end. "Is everything okay" Taehyung asked, "y-yes, I just miss you that's all" Jungkook replied, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall, "I will be there soon, okay" Taehyung said before they finished talking and ended the call.

So much was going on in Jungkook's head, but more than that, he was scared. Scared of what will happen if he comes after him. It might have been a lot of years since he saw him, but that didn't mean everything else disappeared with him. It was all there, packed away and never dealt with, but now he was back, why?. 

Taehyung took one last look at the documents on his desk, he completed everything thirty minutes early, he can surprise Jungkook now.

He put on his Jacket and headed out, only to be stopped by Ji-ho, judging by the apologetic look on her face, it was probably bad news.

"The chairman.." she begun, "Isn't he supposed to be in Australia?" Taehyung asked a bit surprised. "He was, but he landed a few hours ago and asked to meet you" Ji-ho said.

Taehyung pinched the bridge of, not liking what he was hearing, "it must be important if he wants to see me this late after he just returned" he thought to himself "..hopefully it doesn't take long"

A car had been sent to pick him up. Soon they stopped in front of a restaurant and Taehyung was assured to where the chairman was.

Over thirty minutes later, Taehyung still couldn't figure out why this meeting couldn't wait till tomorrow. The chairman said a lot and nothing at the same time.

"You two are the almost the same age" the chairman said gesturing between his daughter and Taehyung, she had just joined them. "You should get close, I think it will make work a lot easier" the chairman said with a chuckle.

Taehyung barely heard what the two were saying as in his mind he could still hear Jungkook's voice, from when he called him about an hour ago, "where are you?" was all he asked, he didn't sound fine, and when he asked if the other was okay, Jungkook only repeated his question. Taehyung wasn't sure if saying that he was having dinner with the chairman and his daughter was going to help, "something came up, I will be home soon" was all he could say.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when the chairman suddenly got up to leave, he insisted that the two continue as he was was an old man and should probably get some sleep.

Taehyung waited until he was certain that the chairman had left before he got up too, "am sorry, but I have to leave" he said to the chairman's daughter who was trying to convince him to stay so that she can apologize for her father having taken up his time.

"It's really fine, but I have somewhere to be right now" Taehyung said before taking his leave.

He practically ran to the door when he got to their place, hoping to find Jungkook on the couch but he wasn't there. He moved to the bedroom and found him asleep, clutching on to the blanket.

Taehyung quickly changed out of his suit and got under the covers, pulling Jungkook close. Something felt off, but he didn't know what it was, and he couldn't miss the way Jungkook's hands felt cold and his face felt warm, "am here now, am sorry am late", he said placing a kiss on the younger's temple.

Hey there, I hope you are all doing well, I am doing fine myself, 

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, I think this is the longest I have taken to edit a chapter lol

The next update will be muuuuuuuuuuch later, cause, schoool ..Until then, take care.

Love Tally

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