Chapter 1

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Ranboo pov: Third person


Two weeks ago


Ranboo was walking alongside the mountain, dragons flying overhead. The trees blocked him from view unless you were looking for him, unfortunately, there was a dragon hunting him. Ranboo suddenly turned left, there was a path leading into the forest and he was walking on it a dragon following behind by the name of dream, he was following ranboo from above his friends sitting on the mountain as dream followed the fallenwing. Dream was staring directly at ranboo he didn't see a twig on the ground a stepped on it, Ranboo flew his head sideways and stared dream in the eyes, He looked frightened his pupils became enlarged as he stepped backward. Dream ran at ranboo his claws sharp. Ranboo suddenly Teleported behind dream, Purple particles left in his place. '' Huh!? '' Dream said looking around and seeing ranboo running into the forest. { I wrote this well i had writers block so sorry its bad } [ ill rewrite it eventually. too lazy rn ]


Tubbos POV: Third Person


Tubbo was walking through the forest fighting with his friend Tommy, he was searching for an Orchid, It was raining but the forest canopy was making less coming down onto them. '' Tubbs. What kind of flower is that '' Tommy asked looking at a flower with winged-shaped petals

{ The Flower }

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{ The Flower }

 '' Oh! That's uh...Papilionaceos{I had to google it:,)} I think. I haven't seen one before. '' Tubbo answered grabbing a small cup from a bag on his wing, he dug up the flower with his paws, He set it in the oddly shaped jar filled with dirt and put a lid on it { He dug it up along with the routes so it wouldn't die pretend routes are like 4 inches.... } '' HEY! WHAT THE >FUDGE< TUBBO! I WAS LOOKING AT THAT'' Tommy said he didn't really like flowers but that one was interesting. '' Well I want it '' Tubbo said sassily. He looked forward and saw a strange-looking tail behind a tree. He looked at Tommy and gave him a look saying ' stay ' he crept down and looked behind a tree there was an injured fallenwing. The fallenwing looked tubbo in the eyes and froze completely. '' Hello? '' tubbo asked the strange dragon '' H-Hello '' the black and white dragon mumbled his pupils turning into black pools. '' Tommy '' Tubbo said looking over at his friend. Tommy walked over and mediately turned defensive his feathered wings in the air. The black and white dragon stepped back crouching down to tubbos height { he's very tall and tubbos short } '' TOMMY! '' Tubbo shouted looking sympathetically at the black and white dragon. 


Ranboos POV:


I flinched back as the smaller dragon shouted at who i assume is Tommy. i was getting ready to run when the smaller dragon suddenly turned towards me '' Sorry about that. I'm Tubbo! '' He said looking at me as he slapped Tommy '' I- I'm r-anboo '' I said cautiously '' Hi r-anboo! '' he laughed. I giggled slightly i hadn't laughed in what felt like forever. Tubbo suddenly flicked his head over to the tree i was sitting beside. '' AN ORCHID! '' he screamed jumping up and down. 

The orchid ^

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The orchid ^

It was very cute. Tubbo grabbed a pouch off his wing, i flinched cautiously. He grabbed a strange jar filled with dirt and began digging up the orchid. I looked at him, why was he digging the orchid up? I saw another jar in his bag, which looked like another flower. Did he collect them? He put it in the jar and closed it, '' Sorry about that I've just been looking for an orchid! '' he said still excited. Ohhhh.. he was a collector! '' ⟟⏁⌇ ⍜☍⏃⊬ { Its okay } '' i said. he looked at me confused and then i realized i spoke in ender '' Sorry. i tend to speak in an ender a lot '' i mumbled.


Tubbos POV


'' Oh! '' That explained it. I was looking in my bag and looked back realizing he was injured. '' Your hurt! '' I said worried i took a step closer to him and he flinched back '' It's okay i won't hurt you,'' I said quietly { i just realized Tommy hasn't made an appearance in a while the reason is tubbo hit him too hard and he fainted. there's no logic but who cares about logic I'm too lazy to rewrite a million words }. '' HUH?! '' Tommy screamed '' WHAT THE >FUDGE< HAPPENED? '' I looked over to Tommy realizing i knocked him out '' Uh- you fell asleep '' i said. '' I'm going home,'' he mumbled ignoring ranboo and walking off and he didn't leave because the author didn't want to write him because they were too lazy. '' Okay... '' i said '' Ranboo your hurt i can help.. '' i said taking a step closer to him this time he didn't move he just looked at me and nodded '' Okay... '' he said sounding cautious. I began walking after Tommy, ranboo following closely behind.


Took me like 2 hours but i did it. i finished the first chapter.

Also the reason ranboo wasn't speaking ender much is that he never knew any fallen wings so he learned it through what the few scrolls made by fallen wings 

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