She cleared her throat to get his attention and he gave her a small smile, getting up to walk over to her.

"Hi" Elliot said. He wore a plain black crewneck t-shirt and some jeans. He had on a pair of all white air Jordan's. Nini frowned. Although he looked good and she knew they weren't going anywhere over the top fancy, she thought he'd put a little more effort in. She mentally shrugged.

Save fancy for the wedding.

"Hi" Nini said with a smile. She clutched her purse with one hand, the strap going over her shoulder.

"Ready to go?" Elliot asked. He held out his arm for her. Nini giggled a little, looping her arm through his. It was muscular and hard against her own arm. Nini liked that.

Elliot led her to the front of the hotel where a blue car was parked. Of course Elliot had his own car, seeing as he lived in Vancouver, but the brunette still found it quite impressive.

Elliot ran towards his car, opening the door and bowing his head, gesturing with his hand for her to go inside. "M'lady."

Nini giggled again. "Why, thank you."

When she was safely in the car, he gently shut the door before running around the car and climbing into the driver's side, starting his car.


They had been driving for about ten minutes and it was dead silent. Nini tried to wrack her brain for some good things to say, but always came up blank.

She took a whiff of his car. It smelled like cedar and the outdoors. She imagined him going camping with his family and coming back smelling like the outdoors and the mountains and forest.

Elliot was subconsciously staring her way. When she turned towards him just slightly, his head snapped back towards the road.

Nini wanted to check her phone, just to get out of the awkward situation. She wasn't sure if Elliot was glancing out the window on her side, or if he was glancing at her. She decided to check her phone, turning on the screen, just to look at the time and maybe a few texts. She had gotten a bunch throughout the day that she hadn't answered because she was just lazy.

The first was from Kourtney.

Remember to use protection!
love u!

Nini texted her back.

It's only the first date, mom.

She glanced at another message she had gotten. It was from Sam.

I miss you... can we meet up soon?

"Do you remember the debate trio from freshmen year?" Elliot asked suddenly. Nini shut her phone off and stuffed it in her purse.

"Huh?" She asked, having a hard time closing her purse. She glanced at the problem; Ricky's hat. She mentally grumbled and stuffed her phone in her purse and quickly zipped it up.

"Freshmen year debate trip?" Elliot asked again. His tone was patient.

"Oh yeah!" Nini laughed, trying to play off her little moment of confusion off. "Everything that could've gone wrong on that trip-"

"—went wrong!" Elliot finished for her. Nini laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. She usually wasn't this dainty but somehow Elliot made her want to be a princess and wear fancy clothes.

And she fucking hated the word dainty.

"And remember when we all got kicked out of that restaurant because Dan Kirkpatrick started a massive food fight?" Nini said. "That was probably one of the worst restaurant experiences I've ever had. I don't think I'd pay more than ten bucks for that poison." Nini chuckled.

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