Mark closed the shop and waved goodbye at Jinyoung as they went in different directions, he didn't have his bike because his ankle was still healing, he walked with a slight limp up the street. He caught a glimpse of Jackson crossing the road and walking  toward him but he ignored him, they walked silently Jackson keeping his distance a few feet behind Mark. Mark wondered what he should do with Jackson, his head was telling him to run while he still could but his heart couldn't. He remembered something Jinyoung had said back at the hospital that had made a lot sense. He had been sitting on his hospital bed legs folded under him with Jinyoung sitting across from him, he was weary of crying for a person who wasn't going to show up and had sobered up. " Are you ok?" Jinyoung had asked. 

"No" he had said flatly not looking at Jinyoung " was i wrong? did i read too much meaning into it?" he raised his head to look at Jinyoung as if he held the answers he was looking for. Jinyoung reached out his hand and caressed his cheeks softly.

"I don't think you did, hon" he said with a warm smile.

"Then why?" he had asked in a broken voice as the tears began to well up in his eyes again.

"Honey, you've always known you were different, i have always known i was different, we always knew who we are the first boy he's ever liked, first person actually from what i hear, put yourself in his shoes,ok, you're having the time of your life, women at your beg and call and then boom you wake up one day and you're in love with a boy, i mean how do you deal with that" he searched Mark's eyes to see if he was getting through to him "mm?, he's scared have to help him accept who he is, help him find himself".

He walked up the stairs to his apartment and left the door open when he got it in, Jackson hovered at the door for a minute unsure what to do, then he entered when he noticed it'd been left open for him. Mark picked up Nora who was meowing and weaving herself in between his legs, he sat on the sofa, folded his legs Indian-style and placed Nora in the groove that his legs had made, he leaned his head back against the back of the couch and closed his eyes gently, all the while massaging the neck of Nora who seemed to be enjoying it immensely. Jackson closed the door behind him and looked around the apartment, there were tiny potted plants on the window sill of the kitchen and larger potted plants in the dinning area and living room. The couch was as white as the walls with a black, big fluffy rug in the center that swallowed his leg when he stepped on it, it was very cozy he thought. The whole room was matched, even the cushions in the sofa was zebra stripped, the order and perfection of the room was,, what's the word? Mark.

He sat down on the other side of the sofa keeping a reasonable space between them. Mark felt the sofa sink beside him and said in a low, tired, throaty voice without opening his eyes " Don't you have anything to say to me?". Silence. He opened his eyes and looked at Jackson dead in the eye " Why did you do that?". silence. Jackson's eyes were moist and shimmering almost at the brink of tears, his brows were furrowed in confusion, his cherry red lips were quivering. Mark's heart was breaking at the sight of Jackson "What do you want from me?" Mark asked in frustration. "I don't know" Jackson said in a sob as a tear escaped his eye, he looked up at Mark with a tear stained face as his eyes begged him to save him from himself. Mark couldn't bear looking at Jackson so broken and lost he jumped up without thinking, making sleeping Nora fall out of his lap with an angry meow, he wrapped his arm around Jackson and cradled his head on his chest "sh,sh,'s ok now, everything will be ok now" he whispered softly into his ear as he rocked him gently. Mark's embrace was warm, his words were comforting and his voice was soothing, all the emotions he'd been suppressing spilled over and he sobbed softly into Mark's chest, after a long while his heaving body became calm and he laid silently against Mark's chest listening to his heart thump against his ear, he drifted slowly into sleep as Mark rocked him gently and cooed into his ear like the big baby he had become.

When love comes around again(Got 7 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now