Chapter 32 - You poor unfortunate souls

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There was a concept in many of the Midgardian cultures called Hell. Mephisto's nether realm was worse. Nothing could have prepared Sigyn for that vast wasteland of destruction. But she could not falter. She had to persevere.

"Which way?" She turned to the chained beast. "Where do we find your master?"

"You do not." Sharp teeth glistened at her in a grin. "My Master finds you."

Sigyn met Björn's gaze. He already had his sword in hand and was mindful of his surroundings. He was a warrior through and through. Despite their strained relationship, Sigyn was glad to have him here. It warmed her heart that he came to her upon learning what had happened. She just hoped she hadn't brought him to his death.

"Up ahead," said Sif suddenly.

Amidst the brimstone and ashes, amidst the flames and rivers of blood and tears, beneath the crimson sky, a figure came up from the smoke. The closer he came, the more of the demon's features Sigyn perceived.
He was tall. Taller than even Loki and Thor, it seemed. His chiselled body was lean and graceful. His skin was a fiery red, reminding Sigyn of the reddest rose she had ever laid eyes on. Her breath caught when she saw his face. Handsome... so handsome. Sharp features, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin. And those eyes... They were the sunlit eyes from her vision.

"Well, well, who do we have here?" greeted the demon. "Travelers, who bring back one of my lost pets?"

Sigyn found herself tongue-tied. Sif and Björn were much the same as both stared at the imposing figure before them. The yellow eyes rested on Sigyn. The seductive and tempting voice reached her ears again, making her shiver.

"It is an honour and pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Sigyn. I have heard many tales of you. The last fire mage..."

A clawed hand extended to her. Sigyn felt moved to take it. She stepped up, reached out and... The sudden kick in her belly made her halt and wince. Broken from her trance, Sigyn blinked and recoiled.

"I did not come here for your flattery, Lord Mephisto," she spoke in a stern yet not overly confident voice. "I believe you have something of mine."

Mephisto's eyes narrowed into slits. A malicious smirk appeared on his face. The hairs on Sigyn's neck rose. She did not like this one bit.

"We may both have had the pleasure of feeling that glorious body against our heat, but I'm quite certain the Trickster belonged to me first, my sweet."

She knew. Of course, she knew. Loki admitted long ago, when they were alone together on Midgard, that he had always been drawn to a wide variety of companions, even if it was just for a few hours of fun and ecstasy. And though his own inclination lay more in having relations with a woman, Loki would occasionally transform into the opposite sex if he felt it would benefit a particular liaison, especially one with a male creature. Sigyn asked him once if she could see his female form, but he had refused as he didn't want his wife to see him that way. Not even his own family knew of it.
To hear now that Loki tricked Mephisto by actually... Sigyn quickly cast it out of her mind. She ignored Sif's uncomfortable glances and Björn's startled gasp. The past was the past. She knew what he was. She knew what he wanted.

"I do not care what happened between you." Sigyn sneered at Mephisto. "Loki is my husband. I hold his body now. His heart. His so-..."

"Na-ah, not quite that." Mephisto put his finger up. "I do believe I hold that particular part."

The dagger used to kill Loki suddenly appeared in the demon's hand. Sigyn stiffened in silent horror when Mephisto licked the bloodied blade.

"Mmh, still as delectable as I remember."

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