"Yeah? And what is it that he gives you?" He turns my way with a smirk.

I would love to answer but I have no words to explain it because what is it that he gives me? Matteo practically turned my life upside down, I lost a lot, things I have fought really hard for and yet... here I am, staying by his side in this mess no one seems to understand. Maybe that's it, I missed how messy life can be, as bad as that may sound.

"Look at the road Miles." I shake my head slightly.

"Nah no way, you have to tell me now. What is it?" He keeps going.

"I said focus on the road." I brush his question off.

"Oh I know, it's the sex right? He looks like he knows what he is doing." He laughs.

"Shut up." I hit his shoulder slightly.

"I will after you answer me." He keeps picking.

"I'm not going to answer that you." I move his face toward the road.

"Ok, then I will take that as a yes." He mutters to himself.

Due to the silence my mind starts to wonder and I notice how long it has been since I had an actual conversation with Matteo or anyone more than Miles really. Everyone seems to be away like 90% of the time, I'm guessing that they are trying to find out who the people who tried to kill Matteo are and I have no room there. I thought about just asking him to let me go back home with Lily, everything seemed to be pretty chill and there was nothing out of the ordinary. The FBI didn't contact me again and I was pretty much spending the days on my own anyway, Miles could take care of me from my home. But I barely see him and when I do he looks exhausted so I can't get myself to bother him more. Miles is practically keeping me sane.

"Hey, you good? We are here." Miles snaps his fingers.

"Yeah, just thinking." I open the door and get outside, noticing Matteo's car parked in front.

"Look's like they are back," Miles says as we get inside.

"Miles, to the office now. Danielle go upstairs." Carlos orders as soon as we go inside.

"On my way." Miles walks away giving a smile and leaves me there.

"Carlos, what's wrong?" I walk up to him.

"Get your medical bag ready and wait in your room, we might need your help later. Don't say anything to Matteo." He says before walking away.

I stay alone in the middle of the hall not clear on what to do when I finally snap back in and go get the bag ready.

After like an hour I hear a commotion going downstairs and even though I was told to wait here I decide to go to the stairs. The hall is full of men that I have never seen before and they all look ready for a war, they have everything, vests, guns, strapped knives. Who are these people?

Giving one more step closer I finally see Matteo. Standing tall in the middle of them, hair slicked back with precision. He is giving orders around while resting his hands on his vest. Carlos next to him. What's going on? I have never seen them doing anything like this.

"Ok then let's go." He raises his voice and everyone except Miles follows Carlos to the door.

I stay there looking quietly at them trying to figure out what's happening. It feels unreal, like a scene taken from a movie.

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