It's getting really annoying.

But two can play at that game.

I'll just hang out a lot with Dillon and Julian, and I'll stop paying so much attention to Martin. Easy.

I think.

The whole time, Martin was with Lynn, and I was with the boys. It was like we were two separate groups that went out together, it was weird.

And when the boys made jokes, I laughed. When Martin made jokes, I wanted to laugh, but he had Lynn for that, so I didn't.


"What do you want?" Julian asks me and I tell him my order.

Julian and Dillon were about to go order the food for all of us.

"I'll go with you guys!" Lynn shouts and jumps up cheerfully, leaving with them to the counter while me and Martin go find a table to sit in.

We sit and I simply stare sternly at Lynn and the boys for a while.

"What are you thinking about?" Martin interrupts and causes me to jump slightly, he chuckles.

"Nothing," I say and we go silent for a few moments.

"You know," He says, breaking the silence. "We haven't gone to the studio in a while..." He says with a small smirk on his face.

"Does that mean..." I pause for him to continue.

"We're going together tonight," He says and I celebrate.

"Yes! Thank you, thanks you, thank you!" I say and go for a hug.

"Wait, don't hug me, Lynn's coming," He ruined it all.

So now, I can't hug my best friend because he has a jealous girlfriend... great.

Now I really am mad.

"Here you go," Julian says, placing a tray with my order in front of where I'm sitting. He sits next to me.

"Aw, thanks Julian," I say wrapping my arm around his neck and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. I'm making Martin jealous now.

"Your welcome," he says with a funny look on, like he is confused. I start eating my salad.

"So, Lynn," I try starting a conversation. "What did you think about the movie?"

"Well, a little bit pornographic, so I think it was appropriate for me to see with Martin," She answers and Martin chokes on his food. I laugh.

"Yeah, it would have been so weird if I saw it alone with him!" I say cheerfully, this is one of the things I do when I'm mad about something.

I'm going crazy.

"What are you doing?" Martin looks at me as if I was crazy and whispers.

"Getting along with your gee-eff!" I probably look crazy, because of how my eyes automatically opened wider and I opened my mouth in such a wide smile as I talked.

"You look like a crazy girl," Martin says.

"I am. But guess what? I don't fuck with you!" I sing the Big Sean song loudly as I dance in my seat.

"Okay come here," Martin grabs my wrist and takes me away from the table, near the restrooms. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Nothing, really," I say, giving him a small pat on the back.

"You're acting as if you were high," He says.

"You're gone and, I gotta stay hi-" I start singing but he grabs me by my arms and shakes my whole body.

it has always been him • m.gWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu