Blue roses and atheists

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me?" I closed the carriage door, my books still inside, and I circled to see the driver. "Could you please take those back to the mansion on the hill, and, uh, leave them by the door or something?" I knew it was a strange request, but I couldn't risk losing the florist and lugging those books around would only bring forth hell. The driver was a little weirded out, but he complied with my request. I wasted no time turning around, only to not see the florist. My hand clenched the rose tighter, anxiety thumping in my chest. I walked in the direction I had seen him last, and I found myself walking through a plain alley. The alley was like the ones with the shops, just shopless, but it was still bright and easy to see into so there was no danger.

Coming out the other side there was a winding path steeping up a hill. On the path was the florist cart being pushed upwards. I thanked the decision of leaving my books behind otherwise I would lay down and die right now. I sighed and pulled up my pants and I began to run. I think I saw an angel and tried to give it my soul because I was dry heaving like a cat trying to fucking vomit. However, on some buzzard miracle, I managed to catch up to the florist.

"Hey," I nearly toppled over, "you... dropped.. this." I held up the blue rose that (somehow) wasn't snapped in half. "Oh, fuck me," I mumbled through a painful exhale. I finally stood up, allowing my vision to clear as I still held up the rose. The man was gorgeous. He had silver hair, it was messy and drifted in the light breeze, and he had deep red eyes as well as ghostly pale skin. He looked so surprised. Holy shit. I just chased a guy who looked like a model up a hill, gagged and coughed like an animal, all for a flower. Well, he thinks I'm insane.

The man took the rose from my hand gently, and then he smiled. "Did you run all the way here to get it for me?" I felt a little embarrassed, and I began playing with my hands. "Well, I- I know how rare and stuff blue roses are so," I trailed off, looking away from him. He didn't respond. Instead, he turned around and began fiddling with something in his cart. Over his shoulder, I saw a light blue ribbon and a paper(?) sheet. He turned around a few seconds later, a beautiful bouquet now in his hands. It was blue roses, heaps too, and it was wrapped in a light cream package and tied with a sky blue ribbon and bow.

"Thank you for doing that. As a token of gratitude I give you this." He held out the bouquet to me. I took the bouquet apprehensively, reaching for my wallet. "Oh," he held out his hands, stopping me, "no need to pay me." I gaped and clutched the bouquet.

"But! These are expensive, you can't just give them away!" I didn't know why I was upset, the anxiety I guess. He narrows his blood eyes and placed his hand on my head. The gesture felt strangely comforting. I had no problem with proper patting my head if I knew them and was close. Olive and some of them mansion residents did it to me all the time, but I didn't know this guy. He didn't keep his hand there for long though, thankfully.

"It's okay, they're not selling very well anyway. They're easy to look after, just change the water every four days and they should stay fresh for quite a while." I knew I couldn't deny them now, but how were they not selling. Instead of keeping that thought to myself, without thinking, I said, "How are they not selling? Blue roses are beautiful." He paused for a moment, a series of 'hmm's leaving him.

"Are you aware of the meaning of a blue rose?" I shook my head, I didn't know much about flowers. "They mean mystery or obtaining the impossible. When someone asks me for a bouquet, what they describe never includes those things." Did people care that much about the meaning? I thought it would be the other way and they cared more about the visual appeal. Even if that's the meaning, it's pretty epic, I know I love it. Parisians are weird.

"By the way," he brought me out of my thoughts, "my name is Vlad."

"Jamie." Vlad tilted his head a little, then told me, "Have a lovely day, goodbye." I didn't have a moment to respond before he had turned his back on me and pushed his cart away. Vlad had an ethereal beauty unmatched by anyone I had seen, and he had a presence that calmed you and drew you in. I wasn't sure whether I was mystified it creeped out. I shook my head, recalling my books. I jogged back down the hill and hailed a carriage once back in the main town.

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