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Normal pov

You were walking out of building after a long day in school. Walking with your best friend Charlotte to a bus stop. You just really wanted to get home, you were tired and all you wanted to just lay down in your bed and do nothing.

You and Charlotte walk into a bus and take a seat. Bus ride was quiet, you were listening to music and laying on you best friend shoulder.

Your stop was next so you hug Charlotte and say your goodbye to her, you walk out the bus.

You're walking to your house. Alone.. all alone now so you reach to your pocket, take out cigarettes, get one and start smoking.

You keep walking and than suddenly you dump into someone. You fell on your ass, you look up and see a boy. He was handsome. He has brown hair felling slightly on his eyes, tall and he was dress nicely.
He's saying something but you have earphones so you didn't hear him but he looked a little pissed off.
You quickly stand up, say goodbye and starts walking again. You didn't even take your earphones off, you just walk away.

You get home, take off your bag and lay on the bed. You didn't even bother to take off your shoes or anything.
I already hate this day
You fell asleep.

3 hours later

You wake up still feeling tired. You checked your phone. Non notification, as always. You heard your parents arguing again in living room so you didn't go out of the room.

You pack your books for next day, change your clothes in pajamas. Than watch some TikTok and went to sleep again.

Time skip again

You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock. You get ready to school and go out of the empty house locking the door behind you.
Next boring day just start. Great..

As always you get to bus than Charlotte come in next, you and her were talking until the first lesson start.

You were sitting in your seat not paying attention to anything but than someone get your attention.
The boy from yesterday was standing in the middle of your class.

"Hi I'm Ethan and I'm a new student here" he says having a weird smirk on his face.
"Go sit" teacher says pointing to a chair next to a quiet kid.
He sits and the lesson begin. Nothing special.

Lesson go by and Ethan get along with boys in the class. He look over to you sometime but he didn't say anything about yesterday so you decided to not worry about it.

A few lessons later

It was a least lesson and teacher was taking something about a school trip. It was going to be a 3 days trip to another school. Some school for a rich, spoiled brats. You didn't wanted to go but you didn't wanted to stay in your house too.

Lesson ends and you went home

The whole week was boring. Nothing special happened but tomorrow is a trip so you pack things and went to sleep.

You had nightmares all night so you didn't get enough sleep but you get ready either way. The weather was nice so you decided to wear shorts, crop top and a hoodie over it. You eat a breakfast, brush your teeth, do a makeup and brush your hair than you put on your favorite pair of shoes and go out of the house.

You were standing in front of the school with your class waiting to bus arrive.
When it's finally come everyone went to get a seat inside.
You were sitting with Charlotte and behind you was sitting Ethan who was now more comfortable to talk to you.
It's gonna be a long ride..

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