He wheels the machine over to the table and sits down on a stool, "Ok Cheryl, just keep nice and still for me and we'll have this off in no time."

The machine starts up with a loud whirr and Cheryl flinches at the sound, "Kimberley?" she calls nervously, reaching out her hand to me.

Stepping over to the table, I take her hand in mine and she turns her head away, closing her eyes as the technician moves in to make the first cut.

I feel Cheryl's grip on my hand tighten as the blade is placed against the cast and it starts to crack open, "It's ok Chez" I say reassuringly.

The technician carefully moves the blade down the length of Cheryl's cast and a few seconds later it is completely off. Cheryl opens her eyes and looks down at her arm; it's noticeably paler than the other one, her skin flaky and peeling.

Cheryl wiggles her fingers then turns her arm over to examine the other side, "It feels weird," she says, "kind of like pins and needles."

"Some people experience a tingling sensation at first. It's perfectly normal." the technician explains, slipping a tube bandage over Cheryl's arm, "Keep this on for a couple of days and take things easy." he instructs her.

We head down to the radiology department for an X-ray, which shows that the broken bone has healed nicely, and after a quick consultation with a doctor we make our way back to the car.

Cheryl climbs into the passenger seat and buckles her seatbelt. After I have started up the engine, she reaches forward and turns on the radio, changing channels and searching for a song that she likes. Once she has chosen a station she settles back into her seat, carefully supporting her arm in her lap.

Pulling of the car park, I can feel Cheryl's eyes on me but I do my best to take no notice and focus on the road ahead. A couple of miles down the road we stop at a red light and I take the opportunity to turn and meet her stare, "What?" I ask.

She holds my gaze and a smile creeps onto her face, "I do, you know." she says simply.

"What?" I ask again, having no clue what she means.

"Trust you."


Pulling my dressing gown around me a little tighter, I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen. There is a chill in the air this morning so I turn the central heating up a bit and then set about making myself a cup of tea and some toast.

I hear footsteps in the hallway and turn around to see a very cold looking, Cheryl enter the kitchen wearing jeans, a jumper and scarf, "Morning" she says.

"You're up early" I take a second cup out of the cupboard and pour Cheryl a tea; putting an extra slice of bread under the grill for her.

"Couldn't sleep" she shrugs, taking off her scarf, "I went downstairs for a ciggie; it's freezing out there"

I bring Cheryl's cup of tea over to the table and place it in front of her, "Here, this'll warm you up"

"Thanks babe" she smiles, wrapping her hands around the teacup and taking a sip.

"So how come you couldn't sleep?" Taking the toast out from under the grill, I spread both slices with butter and strawberry jam.

Cheryl takes another sip of her tea and sighs, "Just a few things on my mind, that's all."

"Anything I can help you with?" I ask, carrying the plates over to the table and sit down.

"No offence Kimba but I don't really feel like talking about it" Cheryl says quietly, nibbling at her toast.

"Oh, ok" I answer a little dejectedly, "Well I'm here if you change your mind."

"Thanks, I'll bear that in mind" she answers; a look I can't quite read on her face.


"Cheryl, can I come in?" I call, knocking on her bedroom door.

"Yeah" she answers casually.

I step inside the room; finding Cheryl sat on the end of her bed wearing nothing but a bath towel takes me by surprise and sight is a little distracting to say the least.

"I'm heading down to the supermarket" I manage to croak out after what feels like a lifetime; the fruity scent of her shampoo invading my nostrils, "Do you need anything getting?"

"No thanks babe" she says; picking up a brush and running it through her hair. The bath towel rides up her thigh a little and I'm sure I catch the tiniest glimpse of a tattoo.

"Ok, I'll leave you to it then" I say quickly, wanting to get out of there before she catches me staring.

"Actually..." she calls as I'm halfway out the room, "I fancy gettin' out of the house for a bit. Mind if I come with you?" she asks.

"No, of course I don't mind. I'll wait downstairs for you." I answer; not turning back for fear that my self-control will completely desert me.

I hurry downstairs and into the kitchen, trying in vain to shake the image of a half naked Cheryl from my head.

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