"Th-thanks" He gave me that Barton smile. it was slightly crooked but it was bright and genuin.

I left to get him coffee. Everyone in the tower knows how Clint takes his coffee, it isn't hard to memorize. it is simpliy just a hole pot of black coffee, most of the time so hot it should be imposible to drink but he maneges it. I sat on the counter waiting for the coffee pot to fill up when Sam walked up to me. He had a questioning look on his face and I could tell he was hesitent to ask.

"Buck, you and Clint are close, yea?" Sam started.

"yea, Why?" I asked at this point confused and a little worried.

"ok. umm You know he's Bi right?" Sam contiued still slightly hesitent.

I at this point understood why he was so hesitent. I'm from the 40's and one his closest friends is some kind of Homosexual, i didn't really know what Bi was but i knew that ment Clint wasn't straight. Sam was just looking out for Clint and i knew this so it didn't make me mad like i think Sam had thought it would have. I honestly felt releaved that he wasn't straight, at least now I know i could at least have some kind of a shot with him.

"What is Bi?" out of everything i could have said to Sam to ease his worry i asked this. I put Sam in a position where he had to explain and to his knowlage i could just suddenly combust or something.

"well it's were you like two diffrent genders, most of the time men and weman but it could be other things to." He explaind.

"oh, that's cool." I was interested and wanted to know more but the coffee matchien dinged signiling it was done.

"well I've got to take this up to Clint. nice chat Sam." I said calmly like i honestly didn't care that Clint could like men. Could like me. I was shoked and I was happy and excited but I don't show emotions like a normal person so I could come off as mad and i'm not so it's best not to show I cared at all.

"alright, before you go though. How is Clint? He looked almost frozen." Sam asked still conserned for his friend.

"to my knowlage he is fine. I haven't had J scan him yet though. i'll keep you guys updated on it though." I explained and Sam nodded.

When I got back to my room Clint was laying there on my bed, in my clothes, with a posiblity of eventualy liking me. I blushed and i felt like a kid with this idiotic crush. its stupid to fall for a coworker, and Clint wouldn't love me back anyway. who wants a broken man like me?

"I got your coffee." I said as i walked over to him.

"Th-thanks. S-Sam talk to you?" Clint asked me, he had his phone in hand and i figured Sam had texted him about it.

"yup." I answered simply before saying, "Jarivs, can you do a scan on Clint, vitals and any wounds"

"will do, sargent Barnes." that atomated Voice answered.

Clint seemed confused that I didn't seem to care about what Sam had told me. "You-you don't care." Clint asked.

"nope. it isn't important right now anyway." I said sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Clint took a sip of the coffee. He spilt some of it on him, his hands don't seem as steady as normal but he isn't shivering, i took this as a bad sign. He still had some ice in his hair and on his skin in some places. then the atomated Voice spoke again, "it does appear that Hawkeye is experiensing the second stage of hypothermia." Clint just kida sighs and takes another drink of his coffee. "sounds right." I heard him mumble to himself.

dispite the coffee he didn't seem to wake up any. His hair was dripping on to his lap every once in a while. I didn't expect Clint to lean into me again

I wrapped my arms around him and made as much contact with him as possible. He seemed content to lean into me, to be held by me. I don't know what feeling I felt at the moment, I was scared but not, I just held him tightly to my chest.

I haven't held another person like this since the 40's, with Steve and my sister. This was different though. It felt like so much more then just holding him to warm him up, it felt... nice. He looked up at me, his coffee set on the bed side table. I look down at him.

I could feel sparks, not the painful kind that I felt in HYDRA. I wonder if Clint could feel it to. His face went a bit red, my normal hand went up to his cheek. I don't know why or what entered my body to make me do it, I close the gap between our faces.

My lips met his, he didn't pull away but he didn't kiss back, not at first. I went to pull back thinking I messed up. I don't even know why I did it, he kissed back and moved to get leverage, my dark gray hoodie was baggy on him, the sleeves long enough he almost tripped on it. I made sure to grab a bigger one so his wings could be tucked against his back. He got into my lap, I have never once kissed a man I never thought it would be any different then kissing a woman, It isn't. Kissing Clint, that is different, he was soft and passionate was able to convey every emotion he felt, I followed his lead not sure what to do, any woman I had ever kissed it was only heat and need, I needed to be on control.

After HYDRA I need to be in control, I can't have that taken from me again I would normally panic but Clint didn't take control from me. I gave it to him, I don't know why I gave him control, I could take it back in a second if I wanted to.

He was still so cold, it radiates off of him like he was a freezer. I slid my human hand under the fabric of the hoddie, he shivered. Our lips break apart he lays his head on my shoulder panting slightly, I managed to forget that I could hold my breath way longer then a normal non super soldier human.

He seemed just as confused and stund as me. I have noticed Clint never really touched people, Nat was the only exception to that. Until me that is, I am the same way but with Steve. Sam constantly says I'm touch starved, I didn't know what that meant until now, and I'm sure Clint is to maybe somehow more so than me.

"So th-that happened." Clint said with a small chuckle, its clear that he doesn't know what to say, I don't either.

"Yup. We can talk about it later though. You need to rest and warm up." I said trying to sound at least a little less shocked then the man sitting in my lap.

"Sounds g-good" he answered sleepily.

The coffee really didn't help all that much, but this is common with hypothermia. I picked up the fuzzy blanket folded at the end of my bed, I lay it over us. Laying on my bed with the weight of Clint on my chest was calming, I ended up falling asleep with Clint.


It had been about two hours since Clint got back to the tower, drenched in water and half frozen to death. They haven't heard anything from Bucky or Clint. Steve and Nat were starting to get worried.

"Jarvis, pull up the video feed in Bucky's room" Natasha with her typical flat voice.

Steve stood next to her as the atomated voice responded and pulled up the live video as requested.

Both smiled fondly at the sight if their boy's cuddling and asleep together.

This took so long to write.
I hope you enjoyed.
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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