Chapter 14: We Made It

Start from the beginning

"Yesterday," America responded. "Wait until it's been three days. If the swelling hasn't gone down, the nosebleeds haven't stopped, or if he's still in pain, you should take him." Prussia said. Sealand jumped at what he was hearing. He didn't want to have to go back to the hospital again.

America looked outside the hotel's bathroom, to see Sealand, with a worried look on his face. "I'd better go give him the paper towels now. The ones he has right now are soaked with blood." America walked out of the bathroom and over to Sealand, handing him the new paper towels and taking the old ones.

"Buddy-" Sealand cut America off. "I was eavesdropping. You're gonna take me again if I don't get better, aren't you?" He whined, pinching his nose with the paper towel. "Hey, buddy. Let's sit down and talk." America whispered as he sat on the bed with Sealand.

"We're concerned about you. While your dads aren't here, we're responsible for you. We only want the best for you, just like them. So, we know that if something happens to you, we'd take care of you just like they would. And all your dads would want is for their son to come home safe."

America continued. "Y'know, I grew up seeing Sweden and Finland as parents. I was never really their son or anything, but they kinda treated me like I was. They always told me they'd like to have a kid someday. And I knew, whatever kid came into their care would be the luckiest kid ever."

America's talking went on once again. "I know that their love for you is so much more than they could ever express, no matter how hard they try. The day you became their son, Finland cried, and Sweden smiled. Something they'd dreamed about for years, it finally happened. I know they wouldn't want it any other way."

Sealand looked up at him. "They... Dreamed of having a kid for so long?" America smiled. "Ever since they realized they wanted to be together forever," America responded, patting Sealand on the back. "When you think about it, your parents seemed like an unlikely couple. But sometimes, the unlikeliest of couples work out better than the likely ones."

"Really?" Sealand questioned curiously. "Hell yea. Do Denmark and Norway not tell you about when they first started dating? Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have this little separate group from the Nordics called 'Scandinavia', have you heard of it?" America asked.

Peter nodded. "I've heard. My dads always make sure I know the difference between Scandinavia and the Nordics." America chuckled in response. "I'd be surprised if they didn't. Besides, they are Nordic countries." America pulled out his phone, searching back through his camera roll for one specific photo.

"This was probably... When did they adopt you, again?" America asked. Sealand thought for a second. "When I was... eight or nine, I believe. But honestly, I sometimes feel like it's always been that way." He replied. "And same with the other Nordics. Sometimes it always felt like they were my uncles."

America smirked. "That's nice to know. Anyway, see this image right here?" He showed Sealand the image. It was of all the Nordics except for Iceland, posing together for a picture at a house party. Most notably, Finland was carrying Sweden in his arms, and the two lovebirds were kissing.

(A\N: Yes, you read that right. Finland was fucking carrying Sweden.)

"That was Valentine's Day when you were... I'd say four. Both of your parents had small gifts for each other, and they didn't think they would be enough for each other. But when they gave each other the gifts, they loved them. Finland got Sweden a picture of the two of them together in the forest, and Sweden got Finland a coffee-scented candle."

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