Playful deception

Start from the beginning

"What are you still doing here? A year is almost up," asked coldly, sitting before him.

"Reliving my mistakes," he muttered without thinking.

Suyin's gaze softened as she studied utterly miserable Wangji. Regret seemed to eat him from the inside. "Ice Cube won't be back any time soon."

"Ice Cube?" Lan Zhan asked, confused.

"A-Ying is so cold and composed; it's the most fitting nickname. He never laughs or fools around. He is a great teacher, but A-Ying is no longer interested in getting close to people or making friends. I wish he would loosen up a bit."

"What happened to him?" asked absentmindedly. "Wei Ying was the most cheerful person I knew. He always looked for a bright side and made the best of the moment."

"Nothing," she replied. "A-Ying no longer wears masks. I saw his memories... Every time he smiled, his thoughts would betray how he truly felt. How difficult his life was, yet he kept smiling to not worry anyone. Now, he seems happy only with Hua Cheng and Qing-jie, oh and since A-Ning arrived. A-Ying was happy to see him."

"Qing-Jie, as in Wen Qing?!"

Suyin nodded. "She lives with her relatives near Ghost City. They are like family to my Ice Cube."

Wangji could feel tears gathering in his eyes. "I'm glad. I'm so glad he didn't lose them..." whispered.

"You really love him, don't you?" Ju Suyin asked softly.


Ju Suyin sighed. "I will talk with our Sect Leader and ask for an extension. It's not exactly your fault A-Ying vanished. No one tells me anything, but there was massive turmoil in other realms. A-Ying and Hua Cheng are either behind it or against it. Anyway, I didn't see any of them for nearly five years."

Wangji looked at her worriedly.

"He will be fine. A-Ying and Hua Cheng could take down Heavenly Court and come out without a scratch. Ghost Kings are one of the most powerful beings, mainly because they can't die. Even if you kill their current self, they will come back. Can I ask you a question?"


"Why did you leave Ice Cube in the Burial Mounds? You must have known he would die if left alone."

Wangji sighed. He was ashamed of his decision. "I was young and stupid, bound by sect's rules. I made the same mistake again six years ago. I took him for granted."

Ju Suyin felt sorry for him. Wangji grew up in a rigorous environment, unable to express himself. It created many misunderstandings and separated them. Unfortunately, it was too late. Wei Ying no longer loved him. Sometimes she worried he was incapable of falling in love again.

Wei Ying stayed in the Ghost Realm for the wedding and then didn't feel like coming back. Unfortunately, Baoshan Sanren tracked him down in the Ghost City. She was happy for Hua Cheng and Xie Lian but worried about her grandson.

"Why won't you take an example from them and settle down?"

"Not interested."

"Of course, you aren't," she huffed. "Are you planning on spending eternity alone?"

Wei Ying shrugged. "Why not? I don't believe in love, besides relationships are bothersome. It would be annoying to have someone to tie me down with expectations, no offence though," he added, looking at Hua Cheng and Xie Lian sitting on his lap.

"None taken, but why not keep this cute guy who loves you?"

"Wangji? I guess I could have fun with him."

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