A Smidge of Sunday but Mostly Monday

Start from the beginning

"Will you be my boyfriend, Dane? I think that would make me very happy. I'll be a good little boy for you, if you want me." Jamie said as Dane set the timer, tugging on his friend's shirt from behind. The senior rolled his eyes and held Jamie loosely, while Jamie wrapped his arms around Dane's waist, snuggling into his chest.

"You're so dumb," Dane sighed, putting his cheek against Jamie's curls.

"See? We're cute together. Want to take care of me?" Jamie said, giving sad puppy eyes.

"You need to take care of yourself Jamie. No boy can do it for you. Not your mom or your dad or me, or Harrison or even Noah. You have to make a decision and then communicate. All of your unhappiness is because you never talk it out. Everything. You need to tell Noah everything. All of your feelings. You can't just assume and act on those assumptions. Do you understand?"

"No," Jamie said stubbornly, cuddling closer. "I just want to snuggle with you on the couch watching reruns of Stranger Things, and then eat ooey gooey treats with you because I'm sad and want to pretend all of my problems have disappeared overnight."

"You're so dumb," Dane repeated, holding Jamie a little closer.

Only to push him gently away when Jeff appeared in the kitchen, suddenly opening the back door and stepping inside like he belonged there. Jamie was taken aback, shocked to see him in Dane's house, as surprised as he'd be if a Demagorgan appeared out of the blue in this quiet, peaceful space.

"You guys look cozy," Jeff sneered, eyeing Dane angrily.

"Shut up. Go away." Dane said, turning to check the oven.

"I thought we were hanging out today," Jeff snapped back, leaning against the counter, completely ignoring Jamie.

"Obviously not."

"You promised me something sweet," Jeff said, moving around the island and towards Dane.

"It's not ready yet," Dane said, backing away from the approaching basketball player.

"That's not what I meant," Jeff said, his voice deep and slow, maneuvering Dane into the walk in pantry. Closing the door behind him.

Jamie sat there, curious and appalled, to hear the shelves shake, a deep moan and Dane's high pitched breathing. Eventually he moved into the living room, when the noise got to be more explicit than he could decently listen to.

When the timer went off, thirty minutes later, Dane and Jeff emerged from the pantry, disheveled and shaky. Jamie watched from the living room as Dane took the treat from the oven. And fed Jeff a piece of the rolled sweet dough, blowing on it first, before popping it into the boy's open, waiting mouth. Chewing vigorously, he put his face into Dane's neck, sucking a huge hickey, mouth full of sugar, before leaving the way he came.

Jamie cautiously reentered the kitchen. Sat back on the stool, as Dane turned his back, rubbed his neck with a wet paper towel, splashed some cold water on his face, and pushed his hair off his forehead, straightening it as best as he could.

"Dane....." Jamie trailed off, not sure what to say.

"I'll tell you the whole story, Jamie, once you get things settled, whatever that ends up being, with Noah. You don't need my messed up life mixed in with yours. I promise. I'll tell you another time."

He held out a knot of dough for Jamie, who opened his mouth like a little bird to take it. Chewing. Swallowing.

"It's really good."

"I know."


"Could you please stop making out for a freaking second so I can talk to Joey??!! Please??"

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