Volume 7,5: Double date

Start from the beginning

After that, I finished dressing up I just walk to my bed and took my phone and saw that it was now 11h10...

Yato: Yeah right in time...

I just have time to eat something and go out for the meeting time with Kei... it was for 11h30 at the entrance of the Keyaki Mall. The time was odd I didn't say anything about it...

Then I just finished preparing myself and left my room towards the Keyaki Mall...




Time Skip

Yato Pov:

As I arrived in front of the Keyaki Mall I immediately noticed Kei outside waiting for me...

She was on her phone but she raise her gaze and she notice me and started waving at me.

I just walk towards her to join her...

Yato: Yo Kei...

Kei: Hey Yato-kun! I'm surprised by your punctuality ha..ha...ha...

She start laughing but in a weird way...but I just ignored it...

Yato: Sighs... okay I think we can stop with the lateness thing...

Kei: You right ha..ha...

She then starts looking at her phone again...I just start looking at her puzzled until I just switch my gaze towards the entrance of the Keyaki Mall...

Yato: Anyway we should go now and by the way...

but before I could finish my sentence I noticed Kei show as still behind me and still haven't started walking towards the entrance... she was still on her phone...

Yato: What's the matter?

Her reaction earlier and the fact that she is on her phone since I arrived was odd... as if there was a problem...

Kei: Ahh sorry It's just some of my friends that I needed to answer... please wait a moment.

Yato: Oh I see...

I just put my hand in my pocket and wait for her... She was constantly looking at her phone she suddenly close it and start walking towards me at a hurried pace...

Kei: Okay we can go Yato-kun!

Yato: Eh yeah sure...

She passes next to me and I just start walking next to her. I open the door and we entered the Keyaki Mall...

Yato: So what did you plan? You told me that you were planning everything soo...

She just nodded...

Kei: Yes don't worry! Everything is in place!

I just start looking at her with a puzzled expression...

Yato: Yeah...okay? But What did you plan exactly Kei?

Kei: Well I reserved a place for a movie and...oh!

She seems surprised so I just start looking inf front of us until I got the same reaction as her...

Yato: Huh?

There was two-person that I wasn't expecting at all to see there... and most important...together!

Yato: What is this?

As I said this Kei immediately start walking toward them...

Yato: Hey wait!

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