The beginning of the end

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the universe used to
be such a lovely place...

that is until he appeared

Hello everyone! Would you like to play a little game? The winner gets a special prize!

we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into.

It's simple! All you have to do is form a guild! The guild who manages to defeat all the other guilds and be the last one to remain standing, will win!

we didn't want to do it. but he said we had a chance of saving our world this way.

Of course, it won't be so easy! Lots of events will be put in place to test whether your guild deserves to be number one!

And who will be watching? The beautiful fallen angels of course! They will be watching your every move and will act as sponsors if you make them like you! They can give you potions, items and all sorts of things!

What about the prize? Well, the winning guild gets to shape the remainders of the universe however they want!

And that was how he got people moving. Everyone wanted to shape the Universe in their own way. Whether it be good or bad. There is competition now.

Oh and I forgot to say everyone starts from rock bottom


A barren wasteland. And yet it wasn't barren at all. This is the place with the most activity. People were gathered here for one goal. Surrounding them were collapsed and broken buildings. Deserted shops where half of the goods have been stolen. The concrete below them had cracks. Rubble is everywhere.

In the middle of all this, stood a large led screen. It showcased some kind of leaderboard. Different kinds of names were displayed all ending with the word 'guild'. We assume that they were guild names. Beside the guild names were ranks. The top guild is SS rank. The guild was apparently the Haven Guild.

Child : What's the Haven Guild?

The father of the child rubs his head and gives him a warm smile.

Father : Well, they are a well-known guild and the strongest guild currently. In fact, they were actually the first guild to be formed.

Child : Whoa! Really?

The child seems excited and super amazed by this brand new information

Father : Yep. It was founded by Yumemiro and Nozomi. And they were the one of the first few to gain their skills and start leveling up.

Child : Doesn't that mean they're super strong now?

Father : Of course, their guild wouldn't be at the top if it weren't for them. That's why a lot of people go to them for commissions.

Child : Then which guild is in last place?

Father : Let's see...

The father scans the leaderboard and moves his eyes down. There were a ton of guilds so it took some time to reach the bottom. After a while, he finally reaches the bottom few.

< Satan's Guild - FF rank >

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