A Fight Breaks Out

Start from the beginning

Albus and Gellert glanced at each other, and across to Nicolas who was still red with anger, before sitting down carefully, Gellert extending his sore leg out in front of them.

"I want you boys to tell me exactly what happened before you see the Head. If I think you're actions were justified I'll see what I can do to lessen your punishments."

Albus glanced at Gellert once more before quickly recapping the events of the morning, making sure not to leave anything out. Gellert injected his own opinion ever so often, and the Slytherin Head didn't fail to notice the still swapped uniforms.

Once they had finished their tale, he nodded sympathetically, "I'll see what I can do. However, you really should sort your uniforms out before the Head sees you."

Albus frowned drawing Gellert's cloak closer to himself even as his boyfriend nodded in resignation, summoning a House Elf with a snap of his fingers, "Is the Gryffindor cloak I gave you this morning dry?"

The House Elf nodded, "Yes sir, washed and dry."

"Bring it to me." Gellert commanded.

The House Elf disappeared with a snap of the fingers before returning a few seconds later with a freshly washed and dry cloak just as they had promised.

"Here you go sir."

Gellert took it, nodding his approval, Albus smiling gratefully at the House Elf, "Thank you."

The House Elf bowed its head slightly in recognition of the gratitude and disappeared, returning to its daily duties around Hogwarts.

Albus slipped out of the Slytherin cloak, gently wrapping it around his boyfriend before pulling his own on, ignoring the look of disgust from Nicolas. He snuggled into the warmth of his cloak and reached over to steal his scarf back from Gellert.

His boyfriend pouted, holding onto the red and gold Gryffindor scarf despite its terrible clash with his silver and green lined cloak. Albus laughed but let him keep it, snuggling back into his boyfriend's side, careful not to jostle his bad leg.

The Slytherin Head observed the pair with an almost unnoticeable smile in place, "Now, Grindelwald, what is wrong with that leg."

Gellert shrugged complacently, "It's nothing, I'll go get it checked later if it's still causing me problems."

Albus shook his head, scolding his boyfriend, "You are not going to leave your leg like this, as soon as the Headmaster is done with us we are going straight to the medical bay to have you checked over. You could have done some permanent damage!"

Gellert grinned wickedly, "Don't want me to be left with a limp?"

Albus exhaled forcefully and whacked him gently on the arm, "Gellert Grindelwald! Will you let me worry about you for once! I want you to not be in pain, is that really too much to ask? You know I will love you either way, don't think you can get rid of me that easily."

Gellert's smile softened and he leaned their heads together, glad they were no longer trying to hide it from outsiders.

The Head of Slytherin stood, glad his duty was done but remained facing away from the sniffling Gryffindor stood against the other wall, lacking the energy to deal with the Red house's problems.

After a few moments of silence, Albus slid further sideways to rest his head onto Gellert's shoulder, ignoring the glare Nicolas was sending their way.

"How are you actually feeling?" he whispered.

Gellert shrugged and slid an arm around his boyfriend's waist, "I've been better, I'm just glad you're not hurt."

Albus tutted disapprovingly, "Gellert please try to worry about yourself as much as you worry about me. I'm worried Nicolas did something using magic that won't be reversable."

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