A Norse Conclusion

Start from the beginning

Jamie let out a big sigh

"I was well-known already, but to hang about openly right now would just get me hassled." He nodded the direction his fiancée had gone. "I asked Allienne to keep your guest occupied, so the two of us could talk. I've no known reasons for seeking out amusement parks right now, so I'm not going to advertise my presence here."

Jack regarded him speculatively.

"Government keeping watch for you?"

Jamie winced, heading to and sitting on the nearby bench. He answered as Jack joined him.

"They can't follow me around unless I let them. North's supplied me with a whole load of snow-globes. It's impossible to follow someone who can travel to the other side of the world in a single step. And right now they really want to 'bring me in' and 'talk' to me."

There was a splutter from Jack, whose eyes had widened in surprise.

"They want to arrest you?"

"No, not that bad!" Jamie, waved his hands in emphasis, then shrugged awkwardly. "It's because of the messages I had delivered to all the world's governments. There's no public announcement yet, but they're all worked up by my revelation I'm a new Constellation and my call for a representative for each nation. As far as I know, both Sophie and Kosmotis are working flat-out to keep everyone in those governments calm and thinking clearly."

The Guardian whistled at that, nodding.

"Yep, that has got to be a lot of work. I'll send some extra frostdust out too, that'll help."

Jamie's expression was now determined.

"The deadline for choosing a representative is two weeks from now, and a month from now is when the Floating City of Solaris will be dropped onto the Pacific. That's when the first session of the World Council will be held."

If Jack had spluttered a moment ago, he now literally choked for several seconds before he could speak.

"Whoa whoa whoa, back up! That soon?! Are you crazy?!"

Jamie, suddenly aware of several people walking nearby, slapped a hand over his uncle's mouth to shop the shouting.

"It has to be soon, or I could spend decades trying to make up for lost momentum. We don't have that kind of time." He frowned, releasing his grip on Jack. "This first meeting and those over the next year or two, aren't about making any big decisions. They're about teaching the world's governments how the council is going to function. Every nation, regardless of its size, will have an equal voice there. I will be the Chairman for the Council, but I won't voice any opinions of my own unless directly asked for one. They need to see that, for all the power they now know I have, I'm only going to be a mediator and advisor. Sophie and Kosmotis with both discretely attend the sessions, to stop the representatives getting worked up over anything."

Jack relaxed a little, but he still looked concerned as he nodded in understanding. Jamie was doing with the world's governments, what he had done with the world's scientists. Albeit with only a tiny lag between revealing first to a select group, and then to the general populace.

"You'll show them you only intend to guide them towards world peace and cooperation. And if tempers and paranoia are kept out of the picture, they should actually be able to get something constructive done. If the first session goes well, it'll capture public imagination and popularity. Especially with all the public optimism right now. A floating city built to promote unity? If you can get it into place without chaos starting up, people will love it."

Jamie grimaced at that, uncomfortable.

"There'll still always be some who aren't convinced, at least not right away. It'll be the hard work of years before the world comes together properly. But when it does, people will wonder why they never did it before. Because in a world that's unified, you don't have to worry about war anymore. You can just focus on living and building a brighter future."

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