Shocked, Graham sat there in the middle of the kitchen, dead silent. Taking in the mess as the wind blew through the broken windows with a faint howling sound.

From the other room he heard his boyfriend, Miles, call out. "What the fuck was that?"

Graham went back to finishing up with the tripod and made it into the room he heard Miles in. It looks to be a nursery, there are scattered toys, a small crib, a few blankets, and fairly dark stains of unknown origin decorating the floor. As he looked around the room Graham turned on his handheld camera, he got the feeling this hunt was gonna be eventful.


Ok, the tall one barely flinched at the house's theatrics in the kitchen. Though this surprised the house, it didn't give up. It followed every person, keeping track of them by the weight on its floorboards. One was in the living room where it had killed Annie when she tried running for the front door. 

Two were in the nursery where it had smothered Little Timothy, that's where the house locked them. Slamming the door and jamming it in place, the house couldn't  help but feel pleased at its victory.

The boys yelped as the door slammed behind them, more surprised than frightened. "Damn it's already mad" Graham said picking up a plush bear and examining it. Miles smirked, "this ought to be fun". He tried the doorknob but it wouldn't budge. "Fuck" he tried using his weight to get the door to budge, nothing. Graham made sure to get a shot of this power struggle, enjoying the moment just a little bit. It looked like the door was winning.


Now that the house had isolated one it knew just what to do. Using power it hadn't used before it lit the fireplace. An uncomfortable heat filled the living room where Betty stood checking all of their equipment. 

Fwoosh! Betty turned around from her place in front of the dogs playing poker painting, to see that the fireplace had lit itself. Oh. Shit. She turned on the walkie and contacted their "bird in the nest". 

From the van Emily heard Betty's walkie talkie sound off. Struggling to hear anything past the static Emily gave it a wack and told Betty to try again.

This was heard by both groups. 

Taken differently by both.

Miles took it as a sign to start ramming the door again, although how his sister knew he did that in the first place he had no idea. Probably something to do with his predictability. But it's nothing Miles would admit.


Betty took it as a sign to ask her question again. "What category of ghost is strong enough to manipulate fire?" 

Emily flipped through a number of books to figure this out, old leather bound and torn pages glided smoothly off her hands. "Anything over a class 6 has the ability if it's focused enough….why?"

"Oh you know… the fireplace just turned on by itself" Betty shrugged, the room continuing to increase in temperature.


"With no hint of flame beforehand"

"Spontaneous combustion?" Emily flipped through a particularly big book.


"Give me a second"


Meanwhile Graham was chuckling at his idiot boyfriend who managed to dislocate his arm trying to get the door open. "Kay obviously it's not opening, we should use the walkie to come ask Betty to open the door" Graham sighed knowing Miles would loathe the idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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