Chapter 6 - Pain of Love

Start from the beginning

"Hard to tell how that led to... this." He said, gesturing at them before he laughed, repeating "Hard. Didn't mean to, but that was funny." He said, Lucius blushing further. Tobias walked further down into the basement. "You two should take your business elsewhere. I am working on something new."

"Be careful, will you. Last thing we need is another hole in the wall." Noah said.

"Why are you worried, it's not like you will be the one to fix it." Tobias said.

"No, but no one can until you heal, and Liam will kill you if you hurt yourself again." Noah reminded him.

Tobias waved his hand dismissively as he walked past them, saying, "Concern yourself with your lover, he seems to have a little problem."

"Toby!" Lucius yelled incredulously, not believing how crude Tobias was being. The alchemist merely laughed as he kept walking away from them. "Oh god..." Lucius muttered, his hands covering his face in embarrassment. Noah chuckled, grabbing Lucius's hand and pulling him up the stairs. "Noah!"

"Be quiet, we don't want anyone to getting in our way." Noah said, still dragging him behind him.

"Where are we going?" Lucius asked as they got to the first floor, Noah taking him to the stairs and up another flight until they reached Noah's room, where he quickly shut the door behind them, pressing Lucius against it as he took his breath away with a passionate kiss.

"W-wait..." Lucius mumbled, his hand pressing against Noah's chest, breathless from their kiss.

"Why?" Noah asked, kissing his cheek, down to his neck, but when he felt Lucius push against him again he leaned away, looking into his eyes.

"H-have we done this before?" Lucius asked, his voice shaking. Noah parted his lips, but then closed them, he couldn't help but find humor in the situation, starting to laugh as he let go of Lucius. "Stop laughing at me!" Lucius demanded, slapping him against the arm.

"Figures you don't remember that." Noah muttered, "So adorable, though... as innocent as the first time we actually were together."

"Noah!" Lucius scolded, blushing deeply as he averted his eyes, "I can't help it alright, it's my first time ever and it's just..." Lucius bit his bottom lip, "Might not be my first time ever, but still... as Micah, it is, and I'm..." he grabbed the front of Noah's shirt, his head falling against his shoulder as he let out a breath of a laugh, "I'm not sure what to do... or if I'm ready..."

Noah was about to say something when he heard Lazarus calling them from downstairs. "I guess it's time for training." He said, smiling as he looked at Lucius, adding, "We won't be doing anything unless you are ready." He assured him, leaning down to peck Lucius's lips when he noticed him nibbling on them unconsciously. "Come on, let's go before he comes looking."


"Ready?" Lorena asked.

Lucius sighed, taking his stance. He liked training with Blayth, as it only entitled mastering the blades, and Cylus because it was the bow and arrow, but when he trained with Leon or Ren, it always meant hand to hand combat, and he always ended up receiving a few very painful hits.

"Let's do this." Lucius said.

Lorena watched him for a moment, waiting for his first attack. She'd been thinking it through for a few days now, since she realized that Lucius was gaining his memories back, so she finally decided it was time, as the day before Lucius finally remembered who Noah was. When Lucius lunched at her, she grabbed his fist, punching him in the face, making him step back, holding on to his nose as he did, and grunting in pain.

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