Part 77 - Hold On

Start from the beginning

"Millions" Stephen replies.

"Thought so" Tony fake smiles and easily turns to take down another alien with one move.

"Why are you three having small talk in the middle of the fight?" an out of breath Clint appears suddenly.

Tony closes his helmet and, after aiming closely for a couple of seconds, shoots a lot of missiles directly at some of Thanos' army. Then he turns to look at Clint with a sassy attitude.

"Are you happy now?" he asks.

"No, actually. I'm not happy at all, I should be home with my family" Clint sighs.

"You and me both, buddy" Tony replies and shakes his head.

After that, we all focus again and come up with a quick strategy on how to attack. The main plan it to take the Infinity Stones from Thanos before he snaps his fingers and do the snap instead with the gauntlet we have.

We split up and join the fight deeper. Of course Tony stayed by my side to be sure about my condition at every moment. But generally this way is better, I feel safer knowing he's protecting me and that I can see him with my own eyes.

There are so many others fighting on our side. Natasha is kicking a$s as usual, extremely impressive considering she's a human with no superpowers or a super suit among aliens and Gods. I'm equally amazed by Steve, showing off his famous moves and tricks with the shield.

"Who's with Morgan? Happy?" I suddenly hear Tony's voice through the speakers as we fight side to side.

I can't reply immediately because we have to dodge an attack and fight back. We both use our lasers and gadgets and in the end blast at them at the same time like a perfect choreography. We've practiced that a lot these last few years and it just comes out naturally by now.

"No, she's with Pepper" I say and notice Tony's face soften up through the monitor.

"P-Pepper met Morgan?" he asks sweetly and lands on the ground.

"Yes. So please hold on so that we can all be together after the fight" I say and he nods.

As the fight keeps going, we're forced to change a lot of locations and team ups. At some moment I'm very close to something I'm witnessing for the first time. Thor and Hulk in action, full power and dominance. The way Thor uses his power to destroy everyone with his thunder and then Hulk going 1v1 with some of the strongest enemies makes me lose my focus for a minute.

And that's the perfect opportunity for another enemy to decide to attack me. But before they can make it to me Tony appears faster than ever and takes care of the situation, protecting me successfully. Then he pulls me somewhere safer to check up on me.

"Don't lose your focus, we're both supposed to make it back home" he warns me.

"You're right, I'm sorry" I say and regain my focus.

I've been to a couple of fights with Tony in the past but they were nothing like this one. I didn't even fight against the big guys myself, Tony would freak out if I even went remarkably close to Thanos or his biggest allies. But he did. He went very close, even on a 1v1 with them. My heart couldn't stop jumping in my chest every time he took a hit.

"Zoe, no!" Wanda shouts when I try to go towards Tony.

I don't listen to her and instead I start flying towards him, taking down all the enemies in between. Unfortunately though, Wanda uses her magic to pull me back and I can't even move now. Tony is down and I can't go over to him.

"Let me go!" I scream.

"I'm fine, baby, I'm fine" I hear his voice through the speakers.

"Get out of there" I tell him since he's clearly in a very dangerous zone.

"I can'ttttt" he groans as he fights back someone.

I sigh and when Wanda sets me free I stay in position and fight with her. Soon other familiar faces join us like the Guardians of the Galaxy, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. I can't help but notice how a few people are missing, specifically Gamora and Vision. They would definitely be of help at a moment like this.

"Tony!" I yell when I see him fighting Thanos for one more time.

"Oh my God, what are you doing?" I panic when I see him with the Infinity Stones and the gauntlet.

"Tony, don't you dare!" I scream and start flying towards him.

This time Wanda is too focused on her own fights to be able to stop me. With tears in my eyes and my heart racing, I fly towards Tony with all my determination. But before I can reach him I feel a strong hit and soon I'm on the ground, rolling repeatedly until I finally stop and turn my head.

There's a weird looking alien, definitely one of Thanos' finest and he's staring at me with an amused look. I try to get in position and fight him but he dodges all my moves. When he's about to attack me is when I hear Tony's terrified voice again.

"ZOE!" he yells but I'm left with the sight of a blade aiming straight at me.

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