Though I’m a bit nerveous, when Gust is beside me, I’m feeling like a normal teenager rather than a weird loner.(Which I am)

She makes me feel different, I wondered is this how it feels to have a friend with us always, if I had known this already, At least I would’ve tried to get one.

We entered the party house, Gust was searching for someone, Probably her friends and my SJ

She waved looking at a particular direction, I followed her gaze and saw my SJ waving back to ‘Me’!

Wait ‘to me’, was he waving to me? I was surprised for a while, then realised, he was waving to Gust. I mentally face palmed, of course he was waving to her.

While we were approaching them, everyone gave us weird looks.

I know everyone was looking  at me weirdly, but I don’t give a shit about them.

All of my concentration is on Nyle, he didn’t seemed to be angry at all.

All I saw in his face was blankness, like literally it was blank.

What is it? um, Poker face! Yeah, it was like he was wearing a poker face. I couldn’t say it was happy or not. All in all, I‘m just happy for him, not showing angry looks towards me like last time.

Anyway I’m here for Gust and of course for the pleasure from seeing my SJ’s for the full evening.

And guess what? that’s what I’m gonna do.

And within blinking second I’m standing in front of Gust’s friends.

Though I’m nervous and feeling a bit awkward, I can hide it by my face and yeah, of course my hoodie

Gust started introducing her friends to me and me to them. I just nodded.

“You’re weird!” said a boy named Aiden.

Everyone looked at him as if he had grown three heads, except me.

“What? she is weird!” Aiden said again

I looked at him
“I know” I said

“See, even she accepts it” Aiden said pouting

“It’s the fact anyway” I stated.

“Sorry about Aiden, He’s just being himself” the boy named Dave said smiling at me.

I know that Max and Dave are couples. I’m not against Gay, actually I think its cute.

They both always hold hands where ever they go, they both looked good together.

I nodded at him and said “Its ok”

“What’s your last name Matty?” asked Max

I was about to answer him but Gust interfered and said.

“Oh, come on Max! is this an interview or what?” she asked angrily

Actually I would have said the same, but today, I’m feeling different. No one had invited me to a party and no one had ever asked my last name, its all kind of different, and yes, I feel like answering them, rather giving my sarcastic replies.

“I was just, curious. That’s all, I’m sorry, if I’m wrong!” he said shrugging

“Matilda Pink is my name!” I told Max, looking at him

“Wait what?” he asked as if he didn’t believed what I said.

“The Pinks?” he asked again, surprised.

I mentally chuckled by his question, what does it mean by ‘The Pinks’ he sounded like we’re kind of mafia family.

“Yeah?” I said confused

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