Minjeong respected the rule, and so did Hyunjin, so the two broke up after almost a year of dating. They both lost romantic feelings for each other about two months after the breakup but remained best friends nonetheless.

Minjeong got changed out of her outfit and put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, along with some fluffy socks. She didn't wait long, the front door unlocking itself as a guy came in, locking them right as he entered Minjeong's apartment.

"I brought food!" Hyunjin yelled as he kicked his shoes in the hallway and made his way to the kitchen.

"Woah, you actually brought it this time." Minjeong laughed as she entered the kitchen.

"I would've brought some last time if people weren't chasing me," Hyunjin reasoned, earning a slight punch in the arm from the girl, "Hey! What was that for?" he asked dramatically.

"No reason. You brought info, right?" Minjeong asked as she unpacked the food.

"Yeah, I have everything on my laptop," Hyunjin replied as he took out two bowls.

"Great. The mission's in two days, and I still have to pack the drugs for the deal." Minjeong stated.

"I'll help you with that," Hyunjin said as he took some food for himself, leaving the majority for the girl who was seated next to him.

"Okay." the girl replied as she took the food.

The two ate and laughed but soon got to work. Hyunjin helped the girl plan everything out. He helped her pack all the drugs like he used to. They had a great time, they watched a movie, played video games, and whatnot.

"Hey, it's almost two in the morning. I should go." Hyunjin said as he stroked Minjeong's hair.

"Felix's going to get worried, isn't he?" Minjeong asked as she looked up at the boy.

"Yeah." the boy smiled before kissing her forehead, "It's fine. We can hang out during the weekend?" the girl asked as they got up from her couch.

"Sure, I'll call you tomorrow to go over the deal again, okay?" Hyunjin asked as he unlocked the front door.

"Night, Hyun," Minjeong said before hugging the boy.

"Night, Jeong," Hyunjin replied.

"Oh, and say hi to Ryujin and Yeji for me, please," Minjeong yelled after the boy making him turn around.

"You know I'm dating Ryujin, right?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah, she's one of my friends. She asked me if I was okay with it." Minjeong smiled.

"Are you okay with it?" Hyunjin asked warily.

"Of course. You guys are in the same gang and I want you both to be happy," she replied.

"That wasn't what I asked. Are you okay with letting me go? Letting us go?" Hyunjin asked as he came closer to her.

"Yeah. I want you to be happy. I will find someone eventually, but I want you to be happy. And if Ryujin makes you happy, I'm okay with everything." Minjeong said as she looked up.

"Thank you. For everything." Hyunjin smiled down at the girl, "You're welcome," Minjeong said as she locked her door.

They both knew that they'd still be dating if it wasn't for that rule. But not everything can go the way you want it to.

Even if I wasn't over you, you still deserve the world. I can't give it to you anymore.

Minjeong got ready for bed, and after she got Hyunjin's text saying that he had come home, she was out cold in her warm bed sheets.

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