How they met

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3rd pov

Mal had just got done dealing with malifecent and decided to go out and spray paint. She's been missing her red, black, and white spray paint but brushes it off and go's out to cause havoc.

Mal's pov

I was spraying the wall when I got done I heard more spray painting? I looked up and saw this boy spraying the wall...WITH MY SPRAY PAINT! That explains my three colors going missing.

I climbed up there and realized that this kid must be related to cruella de vil, he had white hair, his main colors were red, black, and white. "YOU!" I yell.

He jumps and turns around and starts to freak out. Being the daughter of the top villain of the isle is pretty cool." Uhh." The boy tried to say something but I punched him in his already black eye.

He looked like he was about to cry but that is a weakness here so yea... No crying. "Steal from me again I'll kill you." I said to him and then he just ran off... Wimp

Carlos pov

Well today was just amazing not only does jay that annoying bully at my school punch me in the eye but the daughter of malifecent punches me in the same eye. Now I have to go home and probably get abused more...

A/n hey... It's a... Been a while

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