Paddy pulled into the next drivethrough we passed and orderd four coffees. The heat warmed our bodies while the caffiene assisted in keeping us awake.

It wasn't long before we were pulling into the parking lot of a hotel across from the arena we would soon be performing in. I climbed out the car followed by Louis while Alberto opened the trunk of the car grabbing our suitcases and luggage. 

I made my way around to the side of the car Y/n was sitting on. I stretched and opened the door knowing it was better to let her sleep than wake her up.

"Here, let me grab her." Paddy offered squeezing past my tired body to carry her to our hotel room.

I thanked my secruity gaurd and shuffled my tired bod through the hotel. We were greeted by Pauls smiling face ushering us into what must be our hotel room. Harry and Niall were sprawled across the couch trying their hardest to stay awake.

"What are you lads doing up?" Louis chuckled tiredly as he kicked off his shoes.


"We wanted to see her." 

"You saw the girl not even an hour ago, bed." Zayn parented the two as they were pushed towards a room they would be sharing.

Paddy entered the hotel sweet cradeling my sleeping sister as Paul pointed to the room she would be occupying. Zayn moved to open the door and helped to tuck her into bed as I followed.

Once everyone was set for the night our secruity team bidded us goodnight and Paul stepped forward.

"I suspect you'll all be a bit jetlagged, so get some serious rest and I'll see you all tomorrrow. We're just across the hall if you need anything." Paul smiled as he closed the door to our hotel room.

I climbed into bed and as I closed my eyes I could feel the rays of the sun begining to stream through the cracks of the drapes. Sunrise had arrived, yet we were all going to sleep.


Harry's POV

I woke up suffering from exhaustion and a headache. The jetlag was already kicking in, but there was nothing a batch of scones and a cup of tea couldn't fix.

Rolling out of bed careful not to wake Niall, I made my way to the kitchen of our hotel sweet. I searched around for the ingredients to make a batch of scones and was pleased do find I had everything I needed.

"Morning." Louis mumbled sliding onto a bar stool.

"You sure it's morning?" I grinned at my tired friend.

To be completely honest I wasn't sure either, but it was fun being able to tease Lou about being jetlagged.

"It is 10:43 am, so yes I am sure it's morning." Louis smirked, checking his phone for the time.

"Does that mean it's tomorrow?" I asked puzzled.

"Oh don't do that to my brain Harry." Louis scoffed.

"Then come help me with these scones."

With the help of Louis I finished the batch of scones just in time for everyone to wake up. The only one who was yet to wake up was Y/n, so I grabbed a plate of scones and left them to the side for her.

"Hey Liam, is it today tomorrow?" Louis asked Liam, who was stuffing his face with scones.

"It's still yesterday. We landed 5 hours ago." Liam answered.

Things began to make sense again and I could figure out what day it was. Luckily, it meant we had the rest of the day to sleep and lounge around. But the first thing I was going to do was wake up Y/n with a plate of fresh scones.


Y/n's POV

I was woken by a soft yet strong hand on my shoulder calling my name in a whisper. The bed dipped to one side as a weighted object sat next to me.

"Morning Y/n/n" A voice sung, cementing my disapperance from the land of dreams.

I groaned in response rolling away from the hand and voice. I was tired and didn't want to be disturbed. No matter who it was.

"I have scones for you." The voice teased

Shoving the heavy body away from me I added a kick for a good measure and I heard I a grunt of pain in response. A smirk spread across my lips in my success hugging my covers around myself tighter.

"Come on Y/n/n, that's not fair." The person whinced.

I only huffed louder unimpressed. I was jetlagged and just wanted to be left alone. The constant travelling was cruel, but for once I was given the opportunity to rest in peace and I wasn't going to waste it.

"Please Y/n, I'm begging you." 

"Fine." I spit out and threw my covers off.

"Yes!" The voice, I had now discovered, belonged to Harold Edward styles who rushed out the room to retrieve the bribery.

Before I was going anywhere though, I slipped into some fluffly sheep face slippers and pulled one of Liam's jumpers that I stole over my head.

I entered the main space to find the boys strewn across the couches munching on the scones Harry had baked and Harry serving a plate of scones with jam and cream at the table for me. I slid into a chair and stared down at the plate.

Unlike most times when I ate, the room was full of the boys and everything was in a daze. I was jetlagged and tired and far from hungry. I was beginning to panic a little and instant regret rushed through me. If only I had stayed in bed.

Harry placed two reassuring hands on my shoulders and rubbed them up and down my arms. 

"Want me to sit with you?" He offered.

I wanted that more than anything. But I really didn't want to say yes either. But without being asked Harry slid into the chair next to me and began feeding me the scones like I was a toddler.

"Here comes the aeroplane." Harry sung and I laughed.

It took away the stress and I bgean to relax a little. Slowly I managed to eat three scones and actually enjoy them. It was a nice change. A small change, but a good change.

Change Can Be GoodWhere stories live. Discover now