"What?" Darren paused for a second before he pulled the blankets back and Saphira her bandaged stomach. "Oh...oh no..."

"Please tell me you know what happened to her!" Freddy pleads and watched Darren grab out a thermometer to place into her mouth.

The man sighed deeply and looked at Freddy sadly. "All I know is he wants a new body Freddy. One perfect creation mixed of living metal and flesh. He achieved it. He will stop at nothing for it. Saphira isn't pregnant. I can promise you that."

Freddy seemed relieved at that. "That is good news!"

"No, it is not." Darren looked away and checked the thermometer. "Tsk, tsk, tsk...her fever is so high."

"What do you mean it isn't good news?" Mr Hippo asked curiously with a worried frown. "Are you saying...that the virus still could get her pregnant."

"No...he's moved on from that." The man felt the cold pack on her forehead for a second. "Get another cold pack please, I'll replace this one." Foxette was quick to grab one out of the freezer and bring over to him. Darren smiled at her. "It is so good to see you in your new glory Foxette. I am sorry we could not help you sooner."

"I know, and it is okay. But...as long as Saphira gets better, it will make things better for all of us," Foxette said gently. "I should be able to help Saphira, I was given some new instruction before the virus hacked my system and took control. One to help sick humans."

"Yeah, I know. But..." Darren unwrapped the cloth to remove the warm cold pack and he saw the huge lump on her forehead, making him wince and place the pack on it and wrap it. "This is going to be difficult...just...the stuff she was given might change her behavior slightly..."

"What do you mean? Darren, you know something, why can't you tell us?" Bonnie asked, stepping closer as he was starting to get impatient. "We need to know it now!"

Darren had tears in his eyes as he looked back at the animatronics, surprising them. "I am sorry. If I really knew what this plan was, I would tell you. I don't know. I only know she isn't pregnant...I hope for that anyway. But I only know that it might change her behavior depending on what exactly he gave her. I cannot tell you what you want to know. Alright?"

The animatronics glance at each other sadly. "Sorry, we thought you knew," Bonnie said, stepping back and rubbing the back of his head. "It is very difficult for us to see Saphira like that."

"I know. She will get better, I am sure." Darren stood up with a sigh. "Alright..." He turned to face Freddy. "You will be given permission to be removed from Wednesday's activities." The animatronic smiled, he was so happy he could remain by Saphira's side. "Did she get around to Mr Hippo and Bonnie tonight for maintenance?"

"She only go to do the maintenance on Bonnie," Mr Hippo responded gently. "I am afraid my hatch cannot be used today."

"You will also be removed from today. Since we do have Foxette, Happy Frog, Orville and Pigpatch back..." Darren rubbed his chin thoughtfully on that. "Actually, Foxette can stay to help. She's the only one here who was given the new system upgrade to help assist with sick humans."

"I am unsure if we want to have our return announced while Saphira is sick," Pigpatch said gently. "I would rather stay here and help."

"In all honesty, there might be too many of you helping if I let you stay Pigpatch," Darren said calmly to them. "I know she is well loved, you are her family and I know she's your family. But we cannot let the rest of the staff and guests know that too. People won't understand."

"Yet, you are able to somehow." The man looked at Roxy as she had a point. "I don't think people will worry if they knew. But, I suppose after the incident between myself and Freddy when we were caught kissing, I can understand why. We won't tell anyone about it."

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