Enhypen's Jake - Type 1 diabetes

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Jake are you ok" and that's the last thing I heard before the world went dark. 

Hoshi's POV 

Me and Vernon were walking down the back way from the bathrooms. We took this way because it was longer and we didn't want to go back to our seats just yet. Plus there was no crowd down here. We were laughing and cracking jokes when I bumped into someone. Jake? He looked like he was about to collapse so I grabbed him and when I did, he really did collapse. The bag of chips in his hands fell to the ground.

"Jake, Jake, Hyung what do we do he's literally unconscious" Vernon said starting to panic. And to be honest I didn't know what to do either. 

"Let's just get him to the closest dressing room and we can think from there,'' I said, picking him up bridal style. The first dressing room we came across was TXT. Their door was open so we just popped in. They were all sitting on the couch talking and snacking. 

"Hey, sorry to bother you guys but Jake is unconscious and we're not sure what to do,'' Vernon said. 

Soobin came running up and placed him on the couch. 

"How did this happen, Hyung?" Yeonjun asked. 

"We bumped into each other while walking and he just collapsed,'' I said looking at Jake who's head was in Kai's lap. Soon I got a buzz from my phone and it was our manager telling us to come back. 

"Hey we have to go, sorry to just drop him off on you".

"No it's ok, go we'll take care of him from here" Soobin said smiling. 

"Thank you bye" we said as we slipped out of the room.

Soobin's POV 

Once Hoshi and Vernon Hyung left we all looked at Jake's passed out figure. I was about to say something when something went off. It was like some beeping sound. 

"What's that noise?'' I asked.

"I think it's coming from Jake,'' Taehyun said, moving closer to him. He lifted up his shirt and we saw something stuck to him.

"What that is that?'' Kai asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's an insulin pump,'' Taehyun said, his eyes going wide.

"Wait, how do you know that?" Yeonjun Hyung questioned.

"Because my cousin has type 1 diabetes and I helped him with his insulin pump before. My aunt showed me how to do it just in case no one else was around," he explained. He grabbed the bag that was around Jake and opened it.

"Mhm looks like he knew that he should replace it soon,'' he said, taking another pump out of his bag.

"What do you mean replace, I'm so confused,"  Beomgyu asked, shaking his head. 

"He has the same pump as my cousin so he has to change it every three days. It helps give his body insulin, so it can give him energy to do things. I think he fainted from low blood sugar.

 When he wakes up we need to give him something sweet," Taehyun said as he cleaned Jake's lower abdomen with an alcohol wipe that Jake had in his bag. He then placed the pump down and pulled Jake's shirt down. Just in time to because Jake began to stir awake.

Jake's POV 

When I opened my eyes I saw my TXT Hyungs looking down at me.

"What happened?'' I asked as they helped me sit up.

"You fainted from low blood sugar,'' Beomgyu Hyung said as he passed me some juice and a granola bar. I was still kind of shaking, so he opened it for me. I flashed him a quick smile and mumbled a thank you. 

"I changed your pump because it was beeping,'' Taehyun said with a warm smile. 

"Wait how do you know how to change an insulin pump?'' I asked taking a sip of my juice. 

"Cause my cousin has type 1 diabetes and my aunt taught me how" he said ruffling my hair.

"Oh really I have type 1 as well". 

"Really," I nodded. 

"Well then you know it's not good to have your blood sugar so low, what happened". 

"We were really busy today and rushing around. The only food I could eat today was an apple. Everytime I tried to get something to eat, there was something in the way" I said, sighing. 

"Mhm I get it, but you should have told someone and they would have made time for you,'' Beomgyu Hyung said, rubbing my back. 

"Well we called your members and they're coming to get you. They all sounded upset, so I don't know what you're in for," Yeonjun Hyung chuckled. 

My members came and everything was kind of a blur. I thanked them for taking care of me and so did my members. We also reached out to Hoshi and Vernon Hyung and thanked them. My mind ended up refocusing when I got back to the dorms. The manager had taken us out for dinner after hearing what happened. During dinner I kept getting side glances from everyone. Everyone would make me eat up and made sure I had enough food. When we had gotten in the dorms Jay Hyung had checked my blood sugar and asked. 

"Did you change your insulin pump yet?"

"Yeah, Taehyun did it for me,'' I smiled. He nodded and told me to go take a shower first before anyone else could get in. So I did which, I'm glad I listened to him because by the time Sunghoon was done with his shower there was barely any hot water left. Niki, Sunoo, and Jay Hyung still needed to shower though. I put on some sweat pants and a baggy shirt. I made my way into the kitchen for a glass of water and saw Niki and Sunoo chatting away.

"Hey Hyung, what's up?" Sunoo asked.

"Oh I'm just coming to get some water that's all" I said, flashing them a grin.

"Sit down, I'll get it for you,'' Sunoo said. I sat down and I had a towel around my neck. I started to dry my hair,  when Niki snatched it from me and started drying my hair himself. I didn't complain though. My arms were getting tired. I drank the water I was giving, saying a quick thanks to Sunoo before slipping into a deep conversation with them about random nonsense. 

I climbed into my bed, exhausted by the day's events. Thank goodness we're off tomorrow. I tried to stay up, but my eyes slowly found themselves closing.

Beep beep beep beep

Mhm what is that noise I thought. It's so annoying, someone should turn it off.

Beep beep beep beep 

Why hasn't anyone turned it off yet. I opened my eyes to see my members crowding around me and when I felt something wet and cold being rubbed on my lower abdomen, that's when I realized that something must have gone wrong with my insulin pump. I was all sweaty and still very tired.

Heeseung ran his hand through my hair and I leaned into the touch.

"Hey Jakie, how are you feeling?" I heard Jay Hyung ask.

"Tired……sweaty…….but mostly tired".

"Ok, well can you sit up for us. We want you to drink some orange juice and have something to snack on real quick, sound good" he asked, patting my stomach.

"Mhm ok". I let them sit me up and I ate and drank the things that were given to me. After we waited for a bit, Niki looked at my blood sugar levels and showed the others. I just let my eyes close. I heard whispers of "the numbers aren't bad, but I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong". Sunoo was it? Mhm no. Maybe Sunghoon? No, it was Jungwon who had said that. 

I heard someone flick the switch for the light off and everyone gathered in my bed with me in the middle.

"Aww you guys are worried about me" I said , smirking, but not opening my eyes. 

"Of course we are Hyung, we just want to make sure you're ok,'' Sunoo said happily.

"Awwwww, I'll be ok as long as you guys are by my side,'' I said snuggling closer to Jay Hyung.

"That was corny," Niki said laughing.

It was, but it's the truth. 

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