He had a point, besides he had enemies and he couldn't sleep perfectly like she could knowing he and every other person was protecting her.

With that realization, she snatched the pillow from underneath him and proceeded to smack him with it.
"Asshole" She giggled.

He smirked as he rose his hands behind his head and stared at her as he asked, "What are you doing?"

She shrugged "Luciano's gone"

Still, he stared as if that wasn't an answer. "I am aware, why do you think I am here?"

She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "When?"
Turning his head, he looked at the time on his phone. It was near noon and he claimed three or four hours ago. No wonder he was sleepy.

He watched as she sat on the bed with her legs crossed.
Her chipper mood was dimming as she placed her hands on her lap. She didn't play with her fingers or look down like she normally did when she was afraid to apologize or admit her wrongs. Instead, she faced him.

Something about Dante just made it easier to apologize. She didn't know why, maybe it was because he wasn't like the rest of the men who instantly forgave and babied her, kissed her forehead, and declared to forget the whole thing.

Sometimes, however, Luciano didn't do that.

Adriano? Always.

"I um... wanted to apologize for the way I acted towards you yesterday. I shouldn't have raised my voice at you or put my finger in your face. I was just pissed and it doesn't justify it, but I'm sick of everyone telling me to calm down or relax."

His head tilted as he stared at her differently. As Adriano claimed, Teresa was delicate and yes she was but Dante obviously could see why. She was sick of her feelings being taken lightly. When they spoiled her and coddled her she was prone to continue that meek and shy persona but when they shut up and allowed her to speak, to express herself, she could see her faults herself. She could change them.

However, he too was in the wrong yesterday. Had he been Adriano, he would've just forgiven her damning his faults. Still, he wasn't angry with her anymore so he could forgive. He rose to a sit as he tugged her hand in her lap snapping her eyes to his attention.
"I get it" He grinned. "I was pissed at you, yes but I can understand why it would be instinct to defend your emotions when you are surrounded by idiots like Adriano and your husband" He chuckled and saw her crack a small smile too.

" I also want to apologize for the way I've grabbed you. Also for the previous times, I've may have handled you in a way your friend shouldn't. I don't ever want to frighten you with that..." His eyes lowered as he remembered the time he held her against the wall. That was something that put a smirk on his face, but he knew he shouldn't have done it. He cleared his throat after catching Teresa's eye. "Aggression. It's inappropriate and I apologize"

He nodded and he expected her to forgive but instead heard her snicker. Once he looked upon her, she rose her hand as if apologizing for laughing at him.
" I'm sorry it's just you think I'm afraid of aggression? Do you not know who my husband is? Luciano is the damn definition of assertion and aggression"

He laughed out. So is he.

"Well, I wasn't afraid and you don't frighten me" She air quoted frighten as if it was ridiculous but he knew it wasn't.  He smiled as he removed the blanket with a sigh. " Good, because I wouldn't ever want to see fear in your eyes when you look at me"

Oh gosh! Teresa's eyes flashed with something unfamiliar. Dante was the toughest man she have ever met. He was anything but adorable but that line was heart-melting. She couldn't help but jump on him.
"Aww!" She made the adorable sound as she wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed his upper half over and over. Dante who was completely stunned refrained from touching her.

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