Chapter 7: Secret meet up

Start from the beginning

_Hophelia on the other hand_

Hophelia: Hi, dad! Goodafternoon "while having Mano ! "
Roldan : Goodafternoon, Hophelia! Godbless you!  So how's your schooling? Can I talk to you for awhile?
Hophelia: Everything's went great dad! hmm, yes sure!
Roldan:I lost my job and I couldn't find new work! Beside I couldn't give you Anything the next days and weeks!
Hophelia:Uhmm, I have my savings in my piggy bank I think I could use it for my "daily baon."
Roldan: Sorry for that , Hophelia!  If I didn't lost the job you do not need to that!
Hophelia: Dad, can you answer this question honestly!Are you gambling? Dad, if that is true please stop that !
Roldan: I did and I lose all my money from that and I have my remaining debt so I haven't show off to my co-players as I can't pay them right away.
Hophelia: So it happened ! The thing that I am afraid to hear from you!

" Suddenly there's a mad woman  opened the door calling her father and that was her mom "Helena."

"Roldan, Roldan ,Roldan ! Your co-players talked to me in the market earlier to asked me where are you ?Did you know  they reminded me that you have  30k total of debt From them . Is this real, Roldan? Did you lost your mind? Where do you think you'll going to get that kind of  money?"

"As Hophelia got shocked she stood and her mom saw her."

Roldan: Hophelia, please go to your room! I'll talked to your mom for awhile!

Helena: What? Hophelia is here! " shook ! See Roldan our youngest daughter Heard what you are doing ! Hophelia, go inside your room!

Author's Pov

"The continuous intense argument still heard at the room of Hophelia. Infact while hearing those she's crying and crying because she couldn't know how to solutionize that problem.
In the evening her two siblings fixed that problem by financing that debt . However their mother  still mad at their father that she couldn't even forgive it.

Due to the weariness in her  whole day and the emotional broke downs that the incident had  cause. Hophelia didn't ate her dinner that she  directly  fell asleep."

_Stanley in the other side _

Sally: Thanks, God all of our  street foods were sold ! Hmm this is a  great business Ashley !
Ashley: Yes, sis it is!
Stanley:Maybe, I'm the  lucky Charm!
Ashley:Yes, you had been part of the beginning of this business, son! So thank you for helping us!
Sally: Btw, how about your basketaball practice I heard you won? however the volleyball team headed by Maryanna lose. Hmm, maybe she's lack  of inspiration from you Stan! Just kidding!
Stanley: Aa, actually we broke up! It's been 2 weeks from now!
Ashley: Oh, no ! But how could you manage being okay ?Don't tell me you cheated on her Stanley? I'm warning you don't ever cheat and hurt someone !  Infact , if you did that I'll be mad at you ! hmmm, you inherited your father's bad habits.
Stanley: No, mom that's not the reason! Beside jealously did!
Sally: Why is there something to get jealous, Stan? And if not why ?
Stanley: Is all to me you shouldn't blame her! And mom don't panic we are alright cause we just talked this morning previously so we are okay !
Ashley : Okay, Son! But my advice is don't ever Hurt someone or somebody by just  thinking your own self and not minding their back situations. In addition, don't be angry to those people around her just because you feel something was wrong! Hmmm, I couldn't forget that trouble you had made Stanley! So please don't add another one!
Stanley:Okay, mom! Btw aunt Sally I almost forgot to answer your question about basketball hmmm tomorrow we will be having our next practice so I cannot help you in our business.
Sally : It's okay me and your mom can do this!
Ashley: Yes, we will ! So son goodluck and be good to others! Okay ?
Stanley: Yes, mom!

Author's Pov

"Days had pass by and the sports practice of those players from the  district of Cabuyao is undergoing. However they are trained separately from each as SIS, PVS, And BNHS would practice alone unlike before that they are mixed in together but in this unit meet preparation they'll separate. So the happenings in the BNHS , PVS ANS SIS aren't mutual.

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