Spiders, Trees, Houses, and Treehouses

Start from the beginning

Eight looked out the sliding door.

"There have been a lot of things that were unsaid these past few years...and painful memories that we kept to ourselves," he said. "But even through all that... I'm relieved that we were still able to become friends again. I'm happy that we're all here...so that we can face this together." They looked away from the others.

Two noticed Eight's face.

"It's okay, Eight," they said. "I'll go first."

Two opened the sliding door and walked out.

Then Eight.

"Hey," said Six. "After Four moves... Do you think it would be too much trouble if you could -"

"Six! X! Are you guys coming?" said Two.

"A-actually, nevermind. It's nothing..."

Then Six.



X, Two, Six and Eight walked outside.


A tree stump.

"This was Four's favorite -"

"Yes. It was."

"It feels like forever ago... But I remember the blue perfectly."

"That day was really busy. In the morning, I was shopping with Mom. We didn't come back until the afternoon."

"I remember too. I was hanging out with my dad. You were there with your dad too, Six! We were preparing for something, weren't we?"

"Yeah, we were. We were preparing for BFB 30. We all saw it...and..."

"Even after all this time, and all the BFB episodes, I still don't understand why... Even with the explanations..."

"I... Don't really think that any of us ever..."

"... Hey, guys... Let's... Let's keep going..."

X, Two, Six and Eight went into the trees.

The treehouse.

Everyone went in.

Things had changed.

"Wow," said Eight. "This place has seen better days...but it looks like everything is right where we left it."

"All our old stuff is still here!" said Two. "Hey, look! Here's our playing cards! I was the best at playing card games, wasn't I, guys?"

"My old Firey plush," said Six. "Oh, you're so dirty..."

"Look at all these old books," said Eight. "So that's where all my guide books went!"

"Dah! I think I just stepped on a jack!" said Two. "Ah, man... Such good times."

"Hmmmm... Why did we have a toaster in here?" said Eight.

X looked around the treehouse. He remembered Two kept forgetting stuff at his house frequently.

And the TV.
It's broken.

Paper plants.
And a baseball bat.

Six was cleaning the Firey plush.

Eight remembered why a toaster was in the treehouse.

X found the missing photo. On the back of the photo, a key was taped.

The photo read:
Don't forget, it's in the toy box.

X found a bag on the floor and put the toy box key into it.

What Comes After Four? (BFB+Omori)Where stories live. Discover now