Start from the beginning

"Enough daydreaming, sweet girl. Let's get to work."


"Yes, Kat, work. Do you think we'll not have to do that to hide from The Darkling? The man fucking rules Ravka."

"Actually, is the tsar." Nick corrects his cousin.

"You know damn well that this tsar's useless and soon will fall. He may have the credits, but everyone with a brain knows that he's not the mind ruling this country."

"You obviously hate that guy."

"Name one person that likes him, Nick, or thinks he's a good ruler." After a minute of silence, Levi concludes: "See? No one. End of discussion."

"Can we please focus on the important topic right now?" Katherine interrupts the men's little chat. "The Oprichniki will soon march in Os Alta in search of my head. And I certainly don't want that."

"The Oprichniki are searching for you?!" A blond fae approaches them with shock. Unfortunately, the man has said that loud enough for everyone at the tavern to look at the trio.

"It's a misunderstanding." Katherine affirms.

"That will expose us." A vampire woman stands up from her chair. "I'm warning you: I won't take this risk because of you three."

"Yeah, you're not even from here!" Another vampire says.

Soon, the Praecantrix turns into an arguing mess, which leads more people entering the tavern to know the reason for all this fuss. The majority of them yell at the trio, while Nick and Levi defend themselves and Katherine's in silence, listening to every complaint and observing everyone's behavior in aim of finding a common point in the middle of the discussion. That way she can prepare a whole explaining speech to make peace with the Supernaturals.

When she discovers it, she gets on top of the table and yells: "ENOUGH!"

The crowd goes immediately noiseless to listen to the mad woman who wants everyone's focus.

"You're probably thinking right now how you should call the Oprichniki and lure me and my family to the Darkling's arms. I don't blame you. I would do the same." The witch observes the audience's expressions. Some blushed and looked down in shame; others rolled their eyes and mentally continued plotting against her; a few chuckled and smirked, amused at her sincerity.

"As Supernaturals that were probably chased at least once by hunters, you all must know well that appearances tend to trick people. It helps us to lie, to manipulate by building an entire new personality and, therefore, to hide." All eyes are on her now, focused on every word and movement of hers. Katherine's done what she wanted: captured everyone's attention. "Look at me right now and tell me what you see. An amateur? A jester? A young naive woman that desires to deceive an entire crowd with a few words? A lying mortal that just doesn't want to suffer The Darkling's wrath?"

A scoff escapes her mouth at the confession she'll make. "Yes, you must be thinking that of me, because I'd be doing the same if I were in your place." She then slowly gestures to her youthful face and skinny body. "I look no older than 30, however, I am 475 years old. That's because I'm a witch, a Shadow Singer to be specific." A shadow wave leaves her hand and flies all over the audience so everyone can see she's being honest.

"Although from London and raised in New Orleans, I'm a Supernatural. I have blood, bones, magic just like you. I have been hunted, humiliated, tortured and hurt like some of you. I have fought in wars and seen deaths countless times." Katherine rips the left sleeve of her dress to show the scar on her upper arm: the word burden — every letter in her pale skin clearly engraved with a knife. That was a present left from a hunter a century ago, a torture that made her scream in pain and fight for release until the man let go of her. She had then walked to an inn in search of help, where she was treated and stayed until full recovery.

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