Chapter 4: Didn't need to worry

Start from the beginning

It was another busy morning.

Jiyeon packed up her things and got on the bus to go to the company.

Before getting on, she was a little nervous, fearing that she would meet her boss again, and wondered what kind of attitude she should face her with this time.

Fortunately, she was worried for nothing, for there was nobody familiar on the bus.

She sighed, and as she walked toward the back row to sit down, she looked out the window and thought about what happened last night.

At that time when she first found out that Hyunjung was face blind, she was first surprised, then rejoiced, wondering if that meant Hyunjung would not remember the embarrassing things she did before.

“What are you saying?” Assistant Nam chuckled after hearing her thoughts, “She has face blindness, not amnesia.”

“Besides, she’s seen you so many times. She’s gotta have remembered you by now. Plus, didn’t she even call out your name when she met you at the elevator?”

Jiyeon nodded helplessly. “That’s true.”

“It’s fine then.” Assistant Nam patted her and took a sip of her drink. “You gotta be careful when doing things.”

“Our President Kim is very fierce.”

“. . . . . .”

Jiyeon shook her head, leaned back in the chair, and let out a small groan.

The future will not be easy, she thought.

She came out early today. There were fewer vehicles and pedestrians on the street than usual. The bus swayed as it moved forward and quickly arrived at her stop.

Jiyeon went upstairs, and even after clocking in, there was still barely anyone in the office.

She went to the break room for a cup of coffee, and when she returned to her seat, a phone call came through.

It was Chengxiao. She noted her number down a few days ago.

She quickly answered the call.

“Have you arrived at the company yet?” Chengxiao’s voice came through from the other end, accompanied by the roar of a rollercoaster and the screams of a child, “My relative is getting married today, so I can’t come. I’ll have to trouble you to help me with something.”

“. . . . . .”

If you’re out having fun then you’re out having fun. Could you not find a more professional excuse!

Jiyeon sighed internally, but she agreed with a smile on her mouth, “Alright.”

“There are several production orders on my computer. Please check and send them to the factory, and change the shipment date to May 7th,” Chengxiao nodded and explained to her on the phone, “There is also the Korean customer’s certificate of origin. Ask the Documentation Department to help you with this one.”

“Got it,” Jiyeon responded, pulling out a sheet of paper and scribbling down everything Chengxiao said.

Afterward, she asked, “Is there anything else?”

“There’s another form, it’s right on top of my desk. You can send it to President Kim later. I’ll forward her kakaoid to you.”

President Kim.

Upon hearing Hyunjung’s name, Jiyeon couldn’t help but tremble.

But after all, it was a matter of work, and she couldn’t refuse, so she agreed. After hanging up the phone, she went ahead to add her kakao.

President Kim’s avatar was KeRui’s logo, and her ID was an English name that was followed by KeRui’s hangul. It looked quite simple.

But Jiyeon felt quite inexplicably scared.

“Is it Catherine?” She read Hyunjung’s name from within her heart, then clicked on the send friend invite button, and in the message area, wrote: “President Kim, I am Kim Jiyeon from the Foreign Trade Department. There is a document I want you to take a look at, could we add each other as friends?”

It was just a few words, but it felt like a century passed as she typed the message up.

Jiyeon took a deep breath, and after pressing the send button, she quickly put her phone aside and immersed herself in other tasks.

When she looked up again, Hyunjung had accepted her friend request.

She opened the chat log and saw that she sent: “Send it to me.”

Her tone seemed normal. It didn’t seem like she was being particularly stern.

Jiyeon let out a breath of air and hurriedly sent the form over. Afterward, she realized that it was almost noon, so she sent a considerate message: “Remember to eat on time, President Kim.”

She didn’t receive a response for a long time.

Jiyeon didn’t care about it too much and continued to deal with the things at hand, all the way until noon.

After noon, she clocked out and went toward the cafeteria.

It seemed as though the cafeteria had developed a new dish today. She smelled the fragrance in the air and went to get a tray of food. After that, she sat down at an empty seat and was about to take a bite before her phone dinged.

President Kim: [Photo] [Photo] [Photo]

They were probably the result of the form verification.

Jiyeon thought and temporarily placed her chopsticks down to open up the kakao page.

Then her eyes widened, and she almost couldn’t catch her breath.

It wasn’t the verification result. Hyunjung actually sent her several photos of delicious-looking food!

Exquisite sashimi, barbecue that shined with the oil on its exterior, fairy-like desserts, and a high-end and mellow red wine.

“I’m eating right now.”

Hyunjung soon sent another message.

“Just eating whatever.”


Jiyeon was speechless. On one hand, she was hating herself for caring about whether she’s eaten yet or not, and on the other, she replied “Enjoy your meal slowly”.

She then moved her phone to the corner of the table, not wanting to look at Hyunjung’s messages again.

At the same time, the food in front of her no longer looked appetizing.

“. . . . . .”

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