I assume that's the portal, thought Sam. I hope I'm not in a similar situation like that Sliders one.

He saw the portal exposed to reveal an office, making him a little curious as he saw the other two imps head out as the tree was about to fall down through it! His expression changed to fear as he saw the tree crashing down! "Look out!" He screamed.

"Timber!" A voice said right behind him, and it didn't take long for Sam to recognize the voice as he turned around, not noticing the tree falling down. He noticed who was right behind him. 

"Al!" Sam said, a little stressed. "Would you stop catching me off guard like that?"

Al was dressed to his tacky best today. He was wearing a black cowboy suit, but it had the usual Al touches of a red shirt, this time accompanied by a black and blue tie. To complete the outfit, he had infrared sunglasses to put the entire outfit over the top.

"Whoa, sorry about that, Sam." Al confessed. "I was hoping you'd not notice." 

Sam sighed. "What the heck happened to me, Al?" He asked. "I'm in the body of a gremlin, and there are a bunch of dead lumberjacks!" He wanted some answers, quickly. 

"October 31, 2021 to be precise. How are we doing?" Al asked. Hearing that date, surprised Sam greatly as he had made his most advanced leap. 

"2021?" Sam repeated. "That's the most advanced leap I ever endured this time!" 

"Of course!" Al complimented. "It's 2021, We have a new president named Joe Biden, Power Rangers is about to have its final televised episodes, a new virus called the COVID-19 is still at large..." Sam just gave him the stink eye, as he wasn't ready for this sort of news. 

"Get to the point, Al." Sam sighed. "Why am I here?"

"Oh, right!" Al got his handlink out, and tapped it for the statistics as the results. "Your name is Moxxie, you are a weapons specialist for a company called I.M.P...." Sam gave him a confused look, as Al would have to tell him what that meant sooner or later. "...Immediate Murder Professionals." 

Sam was now shocked. "Wait, you're telling me that those guys kill people?!" He croaked. 

"Yes, but they only kill the bad people, Sam. The VERY BAD people." Al quickly told him. Sam sighed, but felt like that wasn't going to be of any help for right now. 

"What else does it say?" Sam wanted to know. 

Al checked the handlink again. "You're an imp...which is like those gremlin creatures, you're married to a female imp named Millie, and you're also about to celebrate your one-year anniversary tonight!" He continued. 

One-year anniversary...Sam wondered. "So, that female gremlin...or imp was Millie?" Al nodded. "And, our one-year anniversary was on what date?" 

"October 31, 2021." Al repeated. 

"October 31?!" Sam gasped, recognizing the date. "That's Halloween night! That's also when kids get free candy at other houses."

"That is..." Al said, before getting serious. "Not important right now, Sam." 

"I get that, but...how come my height hasn't changed...much less my head or face being shown?" Al saw that Sam was right. Not one part of his body had changed...except for his voice.

"Oh, well, that only happens with live-action people." Al deduced. "With cartoon characters, nothing changes. Everything remains the same! Except for your voice. That's the only thing different." He checked the handlink again. "Anyways, I had Ziggy run a data check, and there's a 95% chance you're here to...help Moxxie have the night of his life." 

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