while everyone passes the ropes, todoroki finds the next course to be a minefield, stopping to survey the challenge. "and now, we're finally approaching the last obstacle. everyone had better tread carefully..you're stepping onto a minefield!" the camera pans across the boy's face.

"if you look carefully, you can see where these little bombs are buried, so keep your eyes on the ground, folks!" as more students get passed the rope obstacle, yamada decides to say a quick disclaimer. "by the way, those land mines were designed for the games, so they might be loud and flashy, by they're not all that powerful," you assume that's all he has to say before his voice gets louder, "just enough to make you wet your pants!"

hearing aizawa tell the blonde to calm down makes you chuckle quietly to yourself. todoroki begins to cross the minefield, plenty of students following his lead. the boy with heterochromia is quickly flanked by bakugo, and they begin to fight while running. while everyone's attention is on those two, a large explosion of pink causes the ground to shake, and a student flies over the course.

midoriya takes the lead, arena erupting in encouragement and glee. todoroki and bakugo stop fighting, stunned for a second before the both of them use their quirks once more to get back in the front. you tune everything else out, watching the three of them compete against each other.

when midoriya starts falling from the sky, he uses the slab of metal he grabbed earlier to once again launch himself forward, stepping on his classmates' back to help. you lean forward slightly, watching midoriya, the one who never used his quirk the entire race, win. you aren't paying attention to yamada's commentary anymore, though you do hear a very amusing jab he makes toward aizawa, calling him a bad teacher.

as the rest of the passing contestants trickle in, your heart beat slows down and you finally realize just how loud the arena is. sighing, you pick up your noise cancelling headphones with shaky hands and put them on. you clap your hands slightly at your students' victories, joining your fellow teachers in the applause.

the arena quiets down as midnight announces everyone that passed and goes on to the next round. she raises her flogger whip once more, the next game revealing itself to be a calvary battle. she explains the basics, the point system, teams of 3 to 4, the headbands, all that. you realize, in a pitying manner, that midoriya is going to be targeted. not only that, but it'll be hard for him to find a team. basically no one wants to be chased by every single team.

everyone watches as teams are slowly formed, but thankfully, midoriya is able to find good teammates for his own. he had two classmates and a support student on his team, him being the rider. after a few minutes, the game is started.

like everyone knew would happen, every group started going after midoriya's team. with the help of some support items, they're able to get away from an attack straight away. you start zoning out, getting bored with this certain event until bakugo uses the same move from the first challenge, propelling himself into the air after midoriya.

the light blonde haired teen is caught by his black haired companion, one of his classmates, sero. midoriya's team continues to run, that being the only thing they could really do while being targeted by everyone. tokoyami was doing the heavy lifting when it came to the defense, having dark shadow block hits and quirks when none of the other members were able to.

the scores are brought to your fellow teachers' attention, some of them surprised that 1a didn't have many people winning. plenty of teams were losing their points, all at the hands of a student from class 1b. the student seemingly riles bakugo up, seeing as the two blondes turn their attention towards each other instead of midoriya.

todoroki's team stops right in front of midoriya's, peaking your interest. once again, several teams go after midoriya at the same time.

kaminari causes a big shockwave, and todoroki freezes people to the ground right after. with most teams immobilized for the time being, it's just the two teams featuring midoriya and todoroki. they start to have a back and forth, the same going for bakugo and the 1b student.

the 1b student shows a strong quirk, being able to copy other peoples' quirks. his team is able to get away with the help of another team, and this riles up the explosive hot head even further.

nearing the end of the match, iida uses one of his big moves to pass midoriya's team. before they can even register it, they're left at 0 points. the two riders clash, midoriya having a certain spark in his eyes. you lean your face against your hand, scratching your face lightly. "this is intense.." you muttered to yourself quietly.

you can't imagine how the individual fights are gonna look like. the round ends with todoroki, bakugo, and midoriya almost fighting head on. todoroki's team ends up being 1st, bakugo's team being 2nd, a general studies student named shinso has his team ending up as 3rd, while midoriya's team finishes with 4th place. every other team is unable to pass to the next round.

everyone is dismissed for an hour long lunch break, and you wait for the stands to clear up a bit more before you leave to get something to eat as well.

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