Chapter Nine: Season Three

Start from the beginning

“I must speak with you…” Freydis said, “I want to help you defeat Ivar!” 

It was a shock, but I could tell in her eyes she wanted blood and it was Ivar’s blood she wanted.

“Ivar has killed my child!” She confessed, “and he mercilessly kills people who do not join him.” 

“Freydis, can you tell me if Thora is alive?” Hvitserk asked, nervously. His voice was shaken with fear.

Freydis looked over at him and her hardened face softened for the first time. “I’m sorry, Hvitserk, Ivar killed her early this afternoon.” 

The look on Hvitserk’s face will forever haunt me as his entire world shattered right in front of him. He turned his face away for no one to see his pain and his tears. I took his arm and felt his pulse through his veins. It was fast and hard. I feared he might collapse in front of me and die himself because of how much pain he is experiencing. 

“Sigrun…” Freydis said. I looked over at her. Her body was shaking and she chewed on her bottom lip. She kneels before me, sitting on her heel. 

“You are more of a Queen then I will ever be…” her shaking voice came, “For anyone who can love a monster like Ivar and not be afraid of him is truly one of the bravest shield-maidens.” 

“Please forgive me for ever mistreating you?” She begged.

“I forgive you,” Was all I could muster through my bitterness for Ivar right now. 

Hvitserk’s whimpering distracted me from the soon to be late Queen of Kattegat. I rushed over to him and picked his head up from his palms. His face was broken out from tears and his eyes screamed with unbearable pain. All in which, I felt for him. He lost his love, and I lost a sister. 

“Sigrun…” Bjorn calmly said to me. “Take Hvitserk to his tent.” I nodded in agreement, taking Hvitserk back to his tent. I nodded to Bjorn and took a now broken Hvitserk back to his tent. He sobbed the entire way, causing a scene for the other soldiers to see. I did not mind it, I needed to get Hvitserk back to his tent. He clinged to me desperately for my affection and touch. 

Two guards stood at the front of the tent, as we approached they looked at him, and quickly noticed he was not ok. They opened the tent flaps and allowed us in. I placed Hvitserk down on his bed as he collapsed onto the pillow. He was inconsolable. I know nothing I could say to him will give him comfort. There is nothing I could do that will make his pain go away. 

Not long after we were in the tent, a thrall came in with a large pint of ale and one cup. Hvitserk got up and went for the pint, not even bothering to pour it in the cup. I quickly grabbed it back from him, I gave it back to the thrall and said,

“Please bring in just water and cold towels, thank you!”

She nodded and bowed her head slightly down. It was the first time someone has ever bowed their head to me.

“What are you doing?” Hvitserk asked.

I turned to him, “You are not well and you do not need something to depend on.” I began to remove his armour and his fur hyde.

“No, leave them on.” 

“Hvitserk, do not argue with me right now,” I said, scoffing.

The thrall came back with everything I requested, she placed the tray next to me, and went about her way.

I gently laid Hvitserk onto his pillow and took the cold towel and began wiping his tear stained face. 

“She’s dead,” Hvitserk whimpered, his face crimping up from the unbearable pain. “He killed her and now she’s dead.” 

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